120 PSALMS. CXXXIX. C 15 The beams ofnoon, the midnight hour Are both alike to thee: O may I ne'er provoke that pow'r From which I cannot flee. PSALM CXX_XIX. Rane II. [C. M.] The wisdom of God in Ihe formation of man. I WHEN I with pleasing wonder stand, And all my frame survey, Lord, 'tis thy work; I own thy hand Thus built my humble clay. S Thy hand my heart and reins possest, Where unborn nature grew, Thy wisdom all my features trac'd, And all my members drew. Thine eye with nicest care survey'd The growth of ev'ry part; Till the whole schemethy thoughtshad laid, Was copy'd by thy art. 4 Heav'n, earth, and sea, and fire, and wind, Shew me thy wondrous skill ; But I review myself and find ; Diviner wonders still. 5 Thy awful glories round meshine, My flesh proclaims thy praise; Lord, to thy works of nature join Thy miracles of grace. PSALM CXXXIX. ver. 14, 17, 18, PART III. [C. M.] The mercies of God innumerable. An Evening Psalm. 1 LORD, when Icount thy mercies o'er, They strike me with surprise ; Not all the sands that spread the shore To equal numbers rise. 2 My flesh with fear. and wonder stands, The product of thy skill ; And hourly blessings from thy hands Thy thoughts of love reveal. 3 These on my heart by night I keep! How kind, how dear tome ! O may the hour that ends my sleep, Still find my thoughts with thee. PSALM CXLI. ver. 2, 3, 4, 5. Watchfulness and brotherly reproof. A Morning or Evening Psalm. 1 MY God accept my early vows, Like morning incense in thine house, And let my nightly worship rise Sweet as the evening sacrifice. 2 Watch o'er my lips, and guard them, Lord, From ev'ry rash and heedless word; Nor let my feet incline to tread The guilty paths where sinners lead. 8 O may the righteous, when I stray, Smite and reprovemy wand'ring way; XLI. CXLII. CXLIII. Their gentle words, like ointment shed, Shall never bruise, but cheer my head. 5 When I behold them prest with grie I'll cry to heav'n for their relief; And by my warm petitions prove How much I prize their faithful love. PSALM CXLII. Gód is the hope of the helpless. I TO God I made my sorrows known, From God I sought relief; In long complains before his throne I ponr'd out all my grief. 2 My soul was overwhelm'd with woes, My heart began to break ; My God, who all my burdens knows, He knows the way I take. 3 On ev'ry side I cast mine eye, And found my helpers gone ; While friends and strangers passed me by Neglected or unknown. 4 Then did I raise a louder cry, And call'd thy mercy near: " Thou art my portion when I die, Be thou my refuge here." 5 Lord, I am brought exceeding low, Now let thine ear attend, And make my foes who vex me know I've an Almighty Friend. 6 From my sad prison set me free, Then shall I praise thy name; And holy men shall join with nie, Thy kindness to proclaim. PSALM CXLIII. Complaint of heavy affliction in mind -and boy. I MY righteous Judge, my gracious God! Hear when I spread my hands abroad, And cry for succour from thy throne; O make thy truth and mercy known. 2 Let judgment not against me pass; thy servant pleads thy grace: Should justice call as to thy bar, No man alive is guiltless there. 3 Look down in pity, Lord, and see The mighty woes that burden me Down to the dust my life is brought, Like one long bury' 'd and forgot. 4 I dwell in darkness and unseen, My heart is desolate within ; My thoughts in musing silence trace The ancient wonders of thy grace. 5 Thence I derive a glimpse of hope, To bear my sinking spirits up; I stretch my hands to God again, And thirst like parched lands for rain. 6 For thee I thirst., I pray, I mourn ; When will thy smiling face return ? Shall all my joys on earth remove, And God ftu' ever hide his love ?