PSALIVIS.-CXLVII. CXLVIII. 123 Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns : Let ev'ry tongue, and ev'ry age In this exalted work engage ; Praise him in everlasting strains. 6 I'll praise him while helendsmebreàth, And when my voice is lost in death Praise shall employ mynobler pow'rs: My days of praise shall ne'er be past While life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures. PSALM CXLVII. Pans I. Thedivinenature, providence,and grace. i PRAISE vethe Lord: 'tis good to raise Our hearts and voices in his praise : His nature and his works invite To make this duty our delight. 2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem, And gathers nations to his name : His mercy melts the stubborn soul, And makes the broken spirit whole. 3 He form'd the stars, those heav'nly flames, [naines: He counts their numbers, calls their His wisdom's vast, and knowsno bound A deep where all our thoughts are drown'd. 4 Great is our Lord, and great his. might; And all his glories infinite : He crowns the meek, rewards the just, And treads the wicked to thedust. PAUSE. 5 Sing to the .Lord, exalt him high, Whospreads his cloud all round the sky ; There he prepares the fruitful rain, Nor lets the drops descend in vain. 6 He makes the grass the hills adorn, And clothesthe smi ling fields with corn; The beasts with food his hands supply, And the young ravens when they cry. 6 What is the creature's skill or force, The sprightly man, the warlike horse, The nimble wit, the active limb ? All are loo mean delights for him. s But saints are lovely in his sight; He views his children with delight t He sees their hope, he knows their fear, And looks and loves his image there. PSALM CXLVII. Pear II. Suthnier and reinter. A Song for Great Britain. T O Britain, praise thy mighty God, And make his honours known abroad ; He bid the ocean round thee flow ; Not bars of brass could guard thee so. 2 Thy children are secure and blest; Thy shores have peace, thy cities rest : He feeds thy sons with finest wheat, And adds his blessing to their meat. t 3 Thy changing seasons he ordains, Thine early and thy later rains: His flakes of snow like wool he sends, And thus the springing corn defends. 4 With hoary frost he strews the ground His hail descends with clatt'riae sound : Where is the man so vainly hold, That dares defy his dreadful cold. 5 He bids the southern breezes blow : The ice dissolves, the waters flow: But he bath nobler works and ways To call the Britons to his praise. 6 To all the isle his laws are shown, His gospel tiro' the nation known ; ' He bath not thus reveal'd his word To ev'ry land: Praise ye the Lord. PSALM CXLVII: 7- 9.13 -1e. [C. M.] The seasons of the year. I WITH songs and honours sounding loud Address the Lord on high Over the hcav'ns he spreads his cloud, And waters veil the sky., 2 He sends hisshow'rs of blessing down To cheer the plains below : He makes the grass the Mountains crown, And corn in valleys grow. 3 He gives the grazing ox his meats He hears the ravenscry ; But man, who tastes his finest wheat, Should raise his honours high. 4 His steady - counsels change the face Of the declining year; He bids the sun cut short his race, And wintry days appear. 5 His hoary frost, his fleecy snow Descend and clothe the ground; The liquid streams forbear to flow, In icy fetters bound. 6 When from his dreadful stores oit high He pours the rattling hail, The wretch that dares this God defy Shall finds his courage fail. , 7 He sends bis word and melts the snow The fields no longer mourn ; Ile calls the warmer gales to blow, And bids the spring setup. 6 The changing wind, the flying cloud Obey his mighty word : With songs and honours sounding_loud Praise ye the sov'reign Lord. PSALM CXLVIII. [P. M.] Praise to God from all creatures. 1 YE tribes of Adam; join With hear'u, and earth, and seas, And offer notes divine To your Creator's praise Ye holy throng Of angels bright In worlds of light Begin the song.