149 HYMNS.LIV. LV. LVI. LVII. [Book I. 2 Our nation reads the written word, That book of life, that sure record: The bright inheritance of heav'n, Is by the sweet conveyance giv'n. 3 God's kindest thoughts are here ex- press'd, Able to make us wise and bless'd; The doctrines are divinely true, Fit for reproof and comfort too. 4 Ye British isles, who read his love. In long epistles from above, . (He bath not sent his sacred word To ev'ry land.) Praise ye the Lord. HYMN LIV.. [L. M.] Electing grace, or, Saints beloved in f hrist, Eph. i. 3, &c. t JESUS,- we bless thy Father's name; Thy God and ours are both the same : What heav'nlyblessings fromhisthrone Flow down to sinners thro' his Son ! 2 Christ be my first elect, he said, Then chose nor souls in Christ our head,' Before be gave the mountains birth, 'Or laid foundations for the earth. 3 Thus did eternal love begin To raise us up from death and sin ; Our characters were then- decreed, Blameless in love, a holy seed. 4 Predestinated to be sons, Born by degees,but chose at once; A new regenerated race, To praise the glory of his grace. 5 With Christ our Lord we share our part In the affections of his heart; Nor shall our souls be thence remov'd, 'Till he forgets his first belov'd. HYMN LV. [C. M.] Hezekiah's song: or, Sickness and reco- very, Isa. xxxviii. 9, &e. 1 WHEN we are rais'd from deep dis- tress, Our God deserves a song: We take the pattern of our praise From Hezekiah's tongue. 3 The gates of the devouring grave Are open'd wide in vain; If he that holds the keys of death Commends them fast again: 3 Pains of the flesh are wont t' abuse Our minds with slavish fears " Our days are past, and we shall lose The remnant of our years." 4 We chatter with a swallow'svoice, Or like a dove we mourn, With bitterness instead of joys, Afflicted and forlorn. 5 Jehovah speaksthe healing word, And no. disease withstands: Fevers and plagues obey the Lord, And fly at his commands. e If half the strings oflife should break, . He can our frame restore: He casts our sins behind his back, And-they are found no more. HYMM LVI. [C. M.] The song of Moses and the Lamb: or, Babylon falling, Rev. xv. 3. and xvi. 19. and xvi. 6. 1 WE sing the glories of thy love, .. We sound thy dreadful name; The christian church unites the song. Of Moses and the Lamb. 2 Great God, how wondrous are thy works Of vengeance, and of grace! Thou King of saints, Almighty Lord, How just and true thy ways ! 3 Who dares refuse to fear thy name, Or worship at thy throne ? Thy judgments speak thine holiness Thro' all fhe nations known. 4 Great Babylon, that rules the earth, Drunk with the martyrs' blood, Her crimes shall speedily awake The fury of our God. 5 The cup of wrath is ready mix'd, And she must drink the dregs : Strongisthe Lord,her sov'reign judge, And shall fulfil the plagues. HYMN LVII. [L.M.] Original sin: or, The first and second Adam, Rom. v. 12, &c. Psalm li. 5. Job xiv. 4. 1 BACKWARD with humble shame we look On our original: How is our nature dash'd and broke In our first father's fall ! 2 To all that's good averse and blind, But prone to all that's ill; Whatdreadful darkness veils our mind! How obstinateour will! 3 Conceiv'd in sin (O wretched state!) Before we draw our breath ; The first young 'pulse begins to. heat Iniquity and death. 4 How strong in our degen'rate blood The old corruption reigns, And mingling with the crooked flood, Wanders through all pur veins !, 5 [Wild and unwholesome as the root. Will all the branches be ; How can we hope for living fruit From such a deadly tree ? 6 What mortal pow'r from things un- clean Can pure productions bring ? Who can command a vital stream From an infected spring ?] 7 Yet, mighty God, thy wondrous love Can makeour nature clean, ' While Christ and grace prevail above The tempter, death and sin. e The second Adam shall restore Theruins of the first; Hosanna to that sov'reign pow'r, That new creates our dust!