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Book I.] HYMNS -L HYMN LXXXV.- [S. M.] The same. 1 THE Lord on high proclaims His Godhead from his throne ; "Mercy and justice are the names By which I will be known. 2 " Ye dying souls that sit, In darkness and distress, Look from the borders of the pit To my recov'ring grace." 8 Sinners shall hear the sound ; Their thankful tongues shall own, " Our righteousness and strength is In thee, the Lord alone." (found 4 : In thee shall Israel trust, And see their guilt forgiv'n Ood will prodounce the sinners just, And take the saints to heav'n. HYMN IXXXVI. [C. M.] God holy, just and sovereign, Job ix. 2 ld. 1 HOW should the sons of Adam's race Be pure before their God ! If he contend in righteousness We fall beneath his rod. 2 To vindicate my wordsand thoughts I'll make.no more pretence; Not one of all my thousand faults ' Can bear a just defence. 3 Strong is his arm, his heart is wise ; What vain presumers dare Against their Maker's hand to rise, Or tempt th' unequal war? 4 [Mountains by his almighty wrath From their old seats are torn ; IIe shakes the earth from South to Aad all her pillars mourn. [North, s Ile bids the sun forbear to rise, Th' obedient sun forbears ; [skies, His hand with sackcloth spreads the And seals up all the stars. 6 Hè walks upon the stormy sea ; Flies on the stormy wind ; [way, There's nene can trace his wondrous Or his dark footsteps find.] HYMN LXXXVII [L M ] God dwells with the humble and peni- tent, Isa. Iv ii. 15, 16. -1 THUS saith the high and lofty One, " I sit upon my holy throne; My name is God, I dwell on high; Dwell in my own eternity. 2 " But I descend to worlds below, On. earth I have a mansion too ; The humblespirit and contrite Is an abode of my delight. 3 " The humble soul my words revive, I bid the mourning sinner live ;. Heal all the broken hearts I rind,. And ease the sorrows of the mind. 4 (" When I contend against their sin, 1 make them know how vile they've been ; XXXV. XC. .147 But should my wrath forever smoke, Their souls 'would sink beneath my stroke." 5 O may thy pard'ning grace be nigh, Lest we should faint, despair, and die! Thus shall our better thoughts approve The methodsof thy chast'nmg love.) HYMN LXXXVIII. [L. M.] Life the day of grace and hope, Reel. ix. 4, 5, 6, 19. 1 LIFE is the time to serve the Lord, The time t' insure the great reward, And while the lamp holds out to burn, The vilest sinner may return. 2 (Life is the hour that God has giv'n, To 'scope from hell,. and &y to heav'n The day of grace, and mortals may Secure the blessings of the day.) 3 The living know that they must die, But all the dead forgotten lie ; Their mem'ry and the sense is gone, Alike unknowing and unknown. 4 (Their hatred and their love is lost, Their envy buried in the dust; They have n6 share in all that's done Beneath the circuitof the sun.) s Then what my thoughts design to do, My hands, with all your might pursue, Since no device nor work is found, Nor faith, nor hope, beneath the ground. 6 There are no acts of pardon pass'd In the cold grave to which we haste.; But darkness, death, and long despai, Reign in eternal silence there. HYMN LXXXIX. (L. M.) Youth and judgment, Eccles. xi. 9. 1 YE sons of Adam, vain and young, Indulge your eyes, indulge your tongue, Taste the delights your souls desire, And give a loose to all Your &re. 2 .Pursue the pleasures youdesign, (wine And cheer your hearts with songs and Enjoy the day of mirth, But know There is a day of judgment too. 3 God- from on high beholds your thoughts, His book records your secret faults ; The works of darkness you have done, Most all appear before the sun. 4 The vengeance to your folliesdue Should strike your hearts with terror thro't How will you stand before his face. Or answer for his injured grace ? 5 Almighty God turn off their eyes Film these alluring vanities;. And let the thunder of thy word Awake their souls to fear the Lord. IIYMN XC. (C. M.) The same. 1 LO the young tribes of Adam rise, And thee' all nature rove, K 2