Ibo IYMHNS. CXX We sing the honours of thy grace, That sent to save our ruin 'd race. 4 We sing thine everlasting Son. Who join d ouraature to his own ; Adam the second, from the dust Raises the ruins of the first. S (By the rebellion of one man Thro' all his seed the mischief ran; And by one man's obedience now Are all hi; seed made righteous too: t Where sin did reign and death abound, There have the sons of Adam found Abounding life ; there glorious grace Reigns through the Lord our righte- ousness. HYMN CXXV. [C. M.]' Christ's compassion to the weak and tempted, Heb. iv. 14. rind v. 7. Matt. xii. 20. 1 WITH joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above ; His heart is made of tenderness, His bowels melt with love. 2 Touch'd with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what sore temptations mean, For he has felt the same. 3 But spotless, innocent, and pure, The great Redeemer stood While Satan's fi'ry darts he bore, And did resist to blood. 4 He in the days of feeble flesh Pour'd out his cries and tears, And in his measure feels afresh What ev'ry member bears. s (He'll never quenchthe smoaking flax, But raise it to a flame ; The bruised reed be never breaks; Nor scorns the meanest name.) e Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his pow'r, We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In the distressing hour. HYMN CXXVI. [C. M.] Charity asid uncharitableness. Rom. xiv. 17, 19. 1 Cor. x. 32. 1 NOT diff'rent food, nor diff'rent dress Compose the kingdoms of our Lord, But peace, and joy, and righteousness, Faith and obedience to his word. 2 When weaker christians we despise, We do the gospel mighty wrong; For God the gracious and the wise, Receives the feeble and the strong. 3 Letpride andwrath be banish'd hence, Meekness and love our souls pursue; Nor shall our practice give offence To saints, the Gentile, or the Jew. Y.ÇXXIX. [Book 1. HYMN CXXVII. [L. M.] Christ's incitation to sinners: or, hu- manity nod pride, Matt. xi. 28 -30. 1 " COMB hither all ye weary souls, Ye heavy laden sinners come ; I'll give you rest from all yourtoils, And raise you to my heav ply home. 2 " They shall find rest that learn ofme; I'm ofa meek and lowly mind; But passion rages like the sea, And pride is restless as the wind. 3 " B1ess'd is the man whose shoulders take My yoke and bear it with delight! My yoke is easy to his neck, Mygraceshallmake the burthenlighf " 4 Jesus, we come at thy command; With faith and hope, and, humble zeal, Resign our spirits to thy hand, To mould and guide us to thy will. HYMN CXXVIII. ¡L. M.] The Apostles' commission: or, the gos- pel attested by miracles. Mark xvi. 15, &e. Matt. xxviii. 18, &c. 1 " GO preachmygospel (saith thel,ord) Bid the whole earth my, grace receive, He shall be sav'd that trusts my word ! He shall be damn'd that won't believe. 2 " (I'll make your great commission knbwn, And ye shall prove my gospel true, By all the works that I have done, By all the wonders ye shall do. 3 " Go heal the sick, go raise the dead, Go cast out devils in my naine; Nor let my prophets be afraid, Tho' Greeks reproach, and Jews blas- pheme :) 4 " Teach 'all the nationsmy commands; I'm with you till the world shall end; All pow'r is trusted in my hands, I can destroy and I defend." 5 He spoke, and light shone round his head, On a bright cloud to heav'n he rode: They to the farthest nation spread The grace of their ascended God. HYMN CXXIX. [L. M.] Submission and deliverance : or, Abra- ham offering his son, Gen. xxii. 0, &c. l SAINTS,atyour heav'nlyFather's word Give up your comforts to the Lord e. He +Shall restore what you resigne Or grant you blessings more divine. 2 So Abra'm with obedient hand Led forth his son at God's command; The wood, the fire, the knife he took, His arm prepar'd the dreadful stroke. 3 " Abra'm forbear, (the angel cry'd) ; Thy faith is known, thy love is try'd; Thy son shall live, and in thy} seed Shall thewhole earth be bless'dindsed."