-Book Il.] IIYMNS. XLVIII. XLIX. L. I.I. Ltl. 171 3 The spaciousearth and spreading flood Problainithe wise and pow'rful God ; And thy rich gloriesfrom afar, Sparkle in ev'ry rolling star. 4 Bet in his looks a glory stands, ' The noblest labour of thine hands: The pleasing lustre of his eyes. Outshines the sounders of the skies. 5 Grace, 'tis a sweet, a charming theme; My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name; Ye angels dwell upon the sound; Ye heav'ns reflect it to the ground! 6 Oh, may I live to reach the place Where he unveils his lovely face! Where all bis beauties you behold, And sing his name to harps of gold. HYMN XLVIII. [C. M.]. Love to the creatures is dangerous. 1 HOW vain are all things here below ! How false and yet how fair! Each pleasure bath its poison too ; And ev'ry sweet a snare. 2 The brightest things below the sky Give but a flatt'ring light; We should suspect some danger nigh Where we possess delight. 3 Our dearest joys and nearest friends, The partners of our blood, How they divide our wav'ring minds, And leave but half for God. 4 The fondness of a creature's love, How strong it strikes the sense? Thither the warm affections move, Nor can we call them thence. 5 Dear Saviour I let thy beauties be My soul's eternal food And grace command my heart away From all created good HYMN XLIX. [C. M.] Moses dying in the millraces of God. 1 DEATH cannot make our souls afraid If God be with as there ; We may walk thro' her darkest shade,, And never yield to fear. 2 I could renounce my all below,. - If my Creator bid And run if I were call'd to go, And die as Moses did. 3 Might I but climb to Pisgah's top, And view the promis'd land, My flesh itself should long to drop, And pray for the command. 4 Clasp'd in my beav'nly Father'sarms, I would forget my breath, And lose my life among the charms Of so divine a death. HYMN L. [L. M.] Comforts under sorrows and pains. 1. NOW let the Lord my Saviour smile, And spew my name upon his heart; I would forget my pains awhile, And in the pleasure lose the smart. 2 But O I it swells my sorrows high To see my blessed Jesus frown; My spirits sink, my comforts die, And all the springs of life are down. 3 Yet whymysonl,whythese complaints? Still while he frowns, his bowels move; Still on his heart he bears his saints And feels theirsorrowsand his love. 4 My name is printed on his breast; His book of life contains my name ; I'd rather have it there impress'd, Than in the bright records of fame. 5 When thelastfire burns all things here, Those letters shall securely stand, And in the Lamb's fair book appear, Writ by th' eternal Father's hand. 6 Now shall my minutes smoothly neo, Whilst here I wait my Father's will My rising and my setting sun, Roll gently up and down the hilL , HYMN LI. [L. M.] God the Son equal with the Father. 1 BRIGHT Kingof glory, dreadful God? Our spirits bow before thy seat ; To thee we lift an humble thought, And worship at thine awful feet: 2 [Thy pow'r bath form'd, thy- wisdom sways All nature with a sov'reign word. And the bright world of stars obeys The will of their superior Lord.] 3 [Mercy and truth unite in one, And smiling sit at thy right -hand; Eternal justice guards thy throne, And vengeance waits thy dread com- mand.] 4 A thousand seraphs strong and bright Stand round the glorious deity ; But who amongst the sons of light,' Pretends comparison with thee ? 5 Yet there is one of human frame, Jesus, array'd in flesh and blood, Thinks it no robbery to claim A full equality with God. 6 Their glory shines with equal beams ; Their essence is for ever one ; Tho' theyare known bydiff'rent names, The Father God, and God the Son. 7 Then let the name of Christ our King With equal honours be ador'd; His praise let ev'ry angel sing, And all the nations own the Lord. HYMN LIT. [C. M.] Death dreadful, or delightful. 1 DEATH! 'tis a melancholy day To those that have no God, When the poor soul is forc'd away To seek her last abode. 2 In vain to heav'p she lifts her eyes; But guilt, a heavy. chain, Still drags her downward from the skies, To darkness, fire, and pain.