196 HYMNS. CLXVIIL. His wisdom, like a sea divine, Flows deep and high beyond our line.] .1 (His name is holy, and his eye Burns with immortal jealousy; He hates the sons of pride and sheds His fiery vengeance on their heads.] d The beamings of his piercing sight Bring dark hypocrisy to light; Death and destruction naked lie, And hell uncover'd to his eye.] 7 (Th' eternal law before him stands; His justice with impartial hands, Divides to all their due reward, Or by the sceptre or the sword.] a [His mercy like a boundless sea, Washes our load of guilt away ; While his own Son came down and dy'd, T' engage his justice on our side.] 9 [Each of his words demands my faith' My soul can rest on all he saith ; His truth inviolablykeeps The largest promise of his lips.] le O, tell me, with a gentle voice, " Thou art my God," and I'll re- joice ! Fill'd with thy love, I dare proclaim. The brightest honours of thy name. HYMN CLX'VIII. (L. M.) The same. i JEHOVAH reigns, his throne is high, His robes are light and majesty ; His glory shines with beams so bright, No mortal can sustain the sight. a His terrors keep the world in awe, His justice guards his holy law,' His love reveals a smiling face, His truth and promise seal the grace. 3 Thro' all his workshis wisdom shines, And baffles Satan's deep des ig ns His pow'r is sov'reign to fulfil The noblest counsels of his will. 4 And will the glorious Lord descend To be my father and my friend? Then let my songs with angels join; Heav'n is secure, if God be mine. HYMN CLXIX. The same as the exlvìiith Psalm. 1 THE Lord Jehovah reigns, His throne is built on high : The garments he assumes . Are light and majesty ; His glories shine With beams so bright, Nomortal eye Can bear the sight. Z The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe; CLXIX. CLXX. [Book II. His wrath and justice stand To guard his holy law; And where his love Resolves to bless, His truth confirms And seals the grace. 3 Thro' all his ancient works Surprising wisdom shines, Confounds the pow'r of hell, Andbreakstheir eurs'd designs: Strong is his arm, And shall fulfil His great decrees, His sovereignwill. 4 And can this mighty King Ofglory condescend ? And will he write his name, " My father and my friend ?" I love his name, I love his word: Join all my pow'rs, And praise'the Lord. HYMN CLXX. LL. M.) God incomprehensible and sovereign.. 1 *(CAN creatures, to perfection, find Th' eternal uncreated mind? Or can the largest stretch of thought Measure and search his nature out? 2 'Tis high as heav'n, 'tis deep as-hell; And what can mortals know, or tell His glory spreads beyond the sky, And all the shining worlds en high. 3 But man, vain man, would fain be wise, Born, like a wild young colt he flies Thro all the follies of his mind, Andswellsand snuffs the empty wind.] 4 God is a king of pow'r unknown, Firm are the orders of his throne : If he resolve, who dare oppose, Or ask him why, or what he does? s He wounds the heart, and he makes whole; He calms the tempest of the soul: When he shuts up in long despair, Who can remove the heavy bar? 6 t He frowns, and darkness veils the moon, The tainting sungrows dim at noon:. I The pillars of heav'n's starry roof Tremble and start at his reproof. 7 He gave the vaulted heav'n its form, The crooked serpent and the worm ; He breaks the billows with his breath, And smites the sons of pride to death. 8 These are aportion of his ways; But who shall dare describe his. face? Who canendure his light? or stand. To hear the thunders of his hand? 6: Job xi. 7, Sc. ] Job xxv. ù. Jab xxvi. 11, &c.