Book III.] HYMNS. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. 201 4 His soul what agonies it felt, When his own God withdrew ! And the large load of all our guilt Lay heavy on him too ! 5 But the divinity within Supported him to bear: Dying, he conquer'd hell and sin, And made his triumph there.] 6 Grace, "wisdom, justice, join'd and The wonders of that day: (wrought No mortal tongue, nor mortal thought, Can equal thanks repay. 7 Our hymns- should sound like those Could we our voices raise; (above, Yet Lord, our hearts shall all be love, And all our lives be praise. HYMN XVII. (S. IDh) Incomparable food: or, the flesh and blood of Christ. 1 [WE sing th' amazing deeds That gracedivine performs Th°eternal God comes down and bleeds, To nourish dying worms. 2 This soul - reviving wine, Dear Saviour, 'tis thy blood ; We thank that sacred flesh of thine Forthis immortal food.] 3 The banquet that we eat, Is made of heav'nlÿ things ! Earth has no dainties half so sweet As our Redeemer brings. 4 In vain had Adam sought, And segrch'd his garden round ; For there was no such blessed fruit In all the happyground. 5 Th' angelic host above Can never taste this food; They feast upon their Maker's love, But not a Saviour's blood. 6 On us th' Almighty Lord Bestows this matchless grace, Andmeets us with some cheering word, With pleasure in his face. 7 Come, all ye droopingsaints, And banquet with the King This wine will drown your sad corn- And tune your voice to sing. (plaints 9 Salvation to the name Of our adored Christ:. Thro' thewide earth his grace proclaim, His glory in the high'st. HYMN XVIII. (L. M.) The same. 1 JESUS! we bow before thy feet: Thy table is divinely stor'd; Thy sacred flesh our souls have eat, 'Tis living bread, we thank thee Lord. 2 Andhere we drink our Saviour's blood; Wethank thee, Lo rd,'tis gen'rous wine, Mingled with love ; the fountain flow'd From that dear bleeding heart of thine. 3 On earth is no such sweetness found, For the Lamb's flesh isheav'niy f,od, In vain we search the globe around, For bread so fine, or wine so good. 4 Carnal provisions can at best But cheerthe heart, or warm the head But the rich cordial that we taste Gives life eternal to the dead. -. 5 Joy to the Master of the feast; His name our souls for ever bless; To God the King, and God the Priest, A loud hosanna round the place. HYMN XIX.. (L. M.) Glory in the cross : or, not ashamed rof Christ crucified. 1 AT thy command, our dearest Lord, Here we attend thy dying feast; Thy blood like wine adorns thy board, And thine own flesh feeds ev.'ry guest. 2 Ourfaith adores thy bleeding love, And trusts for life rn one that dy'd; We hope for heav'hly crowns above, From a Redeemer crucify'd. 3 Let thevain world pronounce it shame, And fling their scandalson the cause: We come to boast our Saviodr's name, And make our triumphs in his cross. 4 With joy we tell the scoffing age, He that was dead has left his tomb, He lives above their utmost rage, And we are waiting till he come. HYMN XX. (C. M.) Theprovision for the table of our Lord: or, the tree of life, and river of loan. 1 LORD, we adore thy bounteous hand And sing the solemn feast, Where sweet celestial dainties stand For ev'ry willing guest. 2 [The tree of life adorns the board With rich immortal fruit, And never an angry flaming sward To guard the passage to't. 3 The cup stands crowñ'd with living juice; The fountain flows above, And runs down streaming for our use, In rivulets of love.] 4 The food's prepar'd by heav'nly art, The pleasures well refin'd; They spread new life then' ev'ry heart, And cheer the drooping mind. 5 Shout and proclaim theSaviour's love, Ye saints that taste his wine : Join with your kindred saints above, In loud hosannas join. s A thousand glories to the God That gives such joys as this; Hosannal. let it sound abroad, And reach where Jesus is.