202 HYMNS.XXI. XXII. X HYMN XXI. (C. M.) The triumphal,feast for Christ'svictory over sin, and death, and hell. 1 (COME, let us lift our voices high, High as our joys arise, And join the songs above the sky, Where pleasure never dies. 2 Jesus, the God that fought and bled. And conquer'd when he fell ; That rose, and at his chariot wheels Dragg'd all the pow'rs of hell.] 3 [Jesus, the God, invites us here To this triumphal feast, And brings immortal blessings down For each redeemed guest.] 4 The Lord! bow glorious is his face! How kind his smiles appear ! And O.! what melting ,words he says To ev'ry humble ear.! 5 For you, the children of my love, 'It was for you I dy'd Behold my hands, behold my feet, And look into my side. 6 " These are the wounds for you I bore, The tokens of my pains, When I came down to free your souls From misery and chains. [" Justice unsheath'd his fi'ry sword And plung'd it in my heart; Infinite pangs for you L bore, And mast tormenting smart. s " When hell and all itsspiteful pow'rs Stood dreadful in my way, To rescue those dear lives of yours, I gave my own away. 9 " But while I bled, and groan'd, and I ruin'd Satan's throne; (dy'd, High on my cross I hung and spy'd The monster tumbling down. to " Now youmust triumphat my feast, And taste my flesh and blood; And live eternal ages bless'd, For 'tis immortal food." it Victorious God ! what can we pay For favours so divine? We would devote our hearts away To befor ever thine.] 12 We give thee, Lord our highest praise, The tribute of our tongues ; But themes so infinite as these Exceed our noblest songs. HYMN XXII. (L. M.) The compassion of a dying Christ. I OUR spirits joint' adorethe Lamb: O that our feeble lips could move In strains immortal as his name, And melting as his dying love ! 2 Was ever equal pity found ; 'the Prince of heav'n resigns his breath And pours hislife out on the ground, 'ro ransom guilty worms from death. XIII. XXIV. XXV. [rook III. 3 (Rebels, we broke our Maker's laws ; He from the threat'nings'set us free, Bore the full veng'ance on the cross, And nail'd the curses to the tree. 4 [The law proclaims no terror now, And Sinai's thunder roars no more ; From all his wounds newblessings flow, A sea of joy without a shore. s Here wè havewash'd our deepest stains, And heal'd our wounds with heavenly blood; (veins Bless'd fountain, springing from the Of Jesus, our incarnate God.] 6 In vain our mortal voices strive To speak compassion so divine; Had we a thousand lives to give, A thousand lives should all be thine. HYMN XXIII. (C. M.) Grace and glory by the death of Christ. I [SITTING around our Father's board, We raise our tuneful breath ; Our faith beholds the dying Lord, And dooms our sins to death.] 2 We see the blood of Jesus shed, Whence all our pardons rise; The sinner views th' atonement made, Arid loves the sacrifice. 3 Thy cruel thorns, thy shameful cross Procure .usheav'nly crowns, Our highest gain springs from thy loss; Our healing from thy wounds. 4 0 ! tis impossible that we Who dwell in feeble clay, Should equal suff'rings bear for thee, Or equal thanks repay.` HYMN XXIV. (C. M.) Pardon and strength-,from Christ. 1 FATHER, we wait to feel thy grace ; To see thy glories shine ; The Lord will his own table bless, And make the feast divine. 2 We touch, we tastethe heavenly bread, We drink the sacred cup ; With outward forms our sense is fed, Our souls rejoice in hope. 3 We shall appear before the throne Of our forgiving God, Dress'd in the garments of his Son, And sprinkled with his blood. 4 We shall be strong to run the race, And climb the upper sky; Christ will provideour souls with grace, He bought a large supply, 5 [Let us indulge a cheerful frame, For joy becomes a feast: We love the mem'ry of his name More than the wine we taste.] HYMN XXV. (C. M:) Divine glories and graces, f HOW are thy glories here display'd ! Great God! how bright they shine!