Book III.) DOXOLOGIES. 205 HYMN XLI. Or thus: TO our eternal God, The Father and the Son, And Spirit all divine, Three myst'ries in One, Salvation, pow'r, And praise he given, By all on earth, And all in heaven. The Hosanna ; or, salvation ascribed to Christ. HYMN -XLII. (L. M.) 1 HOSANNA to King David's Son, Who reigns on a superior throne ; We bless the Prince of heav'nly birth, Who brings salvation down to earth. 2 Let ev'ry nation, ev'ry age In this delightful work engage, Old men and babes in Sion sing The growing glories of her King. , HYMN XLIII. (C. M.) 1 HOSANNA to the Prince of Grace : Sion, behold thy King ; Proclaim the Son of David's race, And teach the babes to sing. 2 Hosanna to th' Incarnate Word, Who from the Father came; Ascribe salvation to the Lord, 'Vith blessings on his name. HYMN XLIV. (S. M.) 1 HOSANNA to the Son Of David and of God, Whobrought the news ofpardon down, And bought it with his blood. 2 To Christ th' anointed King Be endless blessings given: Let the whole earth his glory sing, Who made our peace with heaven. HYMN XLV. As the cxlviiith Psalm. 1 HOSANNA to the King Of David's ancient blood : Behold he comes to bring Forgiving grace from God: Let old and young Attend his way, And at his feet Their honours lay. 2 Glory to God on high, Salvation to the Lamb ; Let earth,and sea, and sky, His wondrous love proclaim. Upon his head Shall honours rest, And ev'ry age Pronounce him blest.