20S DIVINE SONGS FOR CHILDREN." Redeems ns from the slavish chains Of Satan, and of sin. S Thence shall the Lord to judgmen come, And with a sov'reign voice Shall call, and break up ev'ry tomb, While waking saints rejoice. a O may I then with joy appear Before the Judges face, And, with the bless'dassembly there, Sing his redeeming grace. o Thypraiseshall still employmy breath, Since thou hast inark'd my way to heav'n Nor will I run the road to death, And waste the blessings thou hast giv'n. SONG IV. Praise for Mercies, Spiritual and Tem- poral. I WHENE'ER I take my walks abroad, How many poor I see? What shall I render to my God For all his gifts to me? s Not more than others I deserve, Yet God hath giv'n me more ; For I have food while others starve, Or beg from door to door. 3 How many children in the street Half naked I behold? While I am cloth'd from head to feet, And cover'd from the cold. 4 While some poor wretches scarce can tell Where they may lay their head : I have a home wherein to dwell, And rest upon my bed. S While others early learn to swear, And curse, and lye, and steal; Lord, I am taught thy' name to fear, And do thy holy will. 6 Are these thy favours day by day To me above the rest? When let me love thee more than they, And try to serve thee best. SONG V. Praise for Birth and Education in e Clmatian Land. 1 GREAT God, to thee my voice I raise, To thee my youngest boors belong, , I would begin my life with praise, Till growing years improve the song. 2 'Tis to thy sov'reign grace I owe, That I was born on British ground, Where streamsof heav'nly mercyflow, And words of sweet salvation sound. 3 I would not change my native land Per rich Peru with all her gold ; A nobler prize lies in my hand, Then East orWestern Indies hold. 4 How do I pity those that dwell Where ignorance and darkness reigns? Theykndw no heav'n,they "£earn hell, Those endless joys,those endlesspains. S Thy gloriouspromises, O Lord, Kindle my hopes and my desire; While all the preachersof thy word Warn nie to 'scope eternal fire. SONG VI. Praise for the Gospel. 1 LORD, I ascribe it to thy grace, And not to chance as others do, That I was born of Christian race, And not a Heathen, or a Jew. 2 What would the ancient Jewish kings, And Jewish prophets, once have giv'n, Could they have heard these glorious things, rheav'n ! WhichCbnst reveal'dandbroughtfrom 3 How glad the Heathens would have been, That worship idols, wood, and stone, If they the book of God had seen, Or Jesus, and his gospel known ! 4 Then if this gospel I refuse, How shall I e'er lift up mine eyes? For all the Gentiles, and the Jews Against me will in j udgment rise. SONG VII. The Excellency of the. Bible. 1 GREAT God, with wonder, and with praise On all thy works I look; But still thy wisdom, pow'r, and grace, Shine brighter in thy book. 2 The stars that in their courses roll, Have much instruction giv'n ; But thy good word informs my soul. How Imay climb to heav'n. 3 The fields provide me food, and skew The goodness of the Lord; But fruits of life, and glory grow In thy most holy word. 4 Here are my choicest treasures hid, Here my best comfort lies Here my desires are satisfy', And hence my hopes arise. o Lord, make me understand thy law, Show what my faults have bees ; And from thy gospel let me draw Pardon for all my sin. 6 Here wouldI learn how Christ has dy'd To save my soul from hell ;.. Not all the books on earth beside Such heav'nly wonders tell. 7 Then let me love my bible more, And take a fresh delight By day to read these wonders o'er, And meditate by night.