LYRIC 11 " I am the Lord : 'Tie I proclaim That glorious and that fearful name, Thy God and Ring : 'Tomas I that broke Thy bondage, and th' Egyptianyoke; Mine is the right to speak my will, And thine the duty to fulfil. Adore no God beside me, to provoke mine eyes Nor worship me in shapes and forms that men devise ; With rev'rence use my name, nor turn any words to jest ; Observe my Sabbath well, nor dare profane my rest; ' Honour, and due obedience to thy parents give ; Nor spill the guiltless blood, nor let the guilty live Preserve thy body chaste, and flee the unlawful bed ;- Nor steal thy neighbour's gold, hisgar- ment, or his bread : Forbear to blast his name with false- hood, or deceit ; Nor let thy wishes loose upon his large estate. Remember your Creator, &c. Eccl. xil. 1 CHILDREN, to your Creator, God, Your early honours pay, While vanity and youthful blood Would tempt your thoughts astray. ß The'memory of his mighty name, Demands your first regard. Nor dare indulge a meaner flame, 'Till you have lov'd the Lord. a Be wise, and make his favour sure, Before the mournful days, [more, When youth and mirth are known no And life and strength decays. 4 No more the blessings of a feast Shall relish on the tongue, The heavy ear forgets the taste And pleasure of a song. i Old age, with all her dismal train, Invades your golden years With sighs andgroans, and raging pain And death that never spares. a What will you do when light departs, And leaves your with'nng eyes, Without one beam tocheer your hearts Fiom the superior skies ? 7 How will you meet God's"frowningbrow Or stand before his seat, While nature's old supporters bow, Nor bear their tott'ring weight ? a Can you expect your feeble arms Shall make a strong defence, When death, withterrible alarms, Summons the pris'ner hence > f The.silver bonds of nature burst, And let the building fall ; The flesh goes down to mixwith dust, Rs vile original. POEMS. 289 10 Laden with guilt, (a heavy load) Uncleans'd and unforgiv °n, The soul returns t' an angry God, To be shut but from heav 'n. Sum., Moon, and Stars, praise ye the tord. 1 FAIREST of all the lights above, Than sun, whose beams adorn the spheres, And with unweary'd swiftness move, To form the circlesof our years; 2 Praise the Creator of the skies, That dress'dthine orb in golden rays; Or may the sun forget to rise, If he forget his Maker's praise. 3 Thou reigning beauty of the night, Fair queen of silence, silver moon, Whose gentle beams & borrow'd light, Are softer rivals of the noon ; 4 Arise, and to that sov'reign pow'r Waxing and waning honours pay, Who bid thee rule the dusky hour, And half supply the absent day. 5 Ye twinkling stars, who gild the skies When darkness las itcurtains drawn, Who keep your watch, with wakeful eyes, [gone ; When business, cares, and day are IS Proclaim the glories of your Lord, Dispers'd;thro'all the heav'nlystreett,, Whose boundless treasures can afford So rich a pavement for his feet. 7 Thou heav'n of heav'ns, supremely bright, Fair palace of the court divine, Where, with inimitable light, The Godhead condescends to shine, 8 Praise thou thy great Inhabitant, Who scatters lovelybeams of grace On ev'ry angel, ev'ry saint, Nor veils the lustre of his face. 9 O God of glory, God of love, [days: Thou art the Sun that makes our With all thy shining works above, Let earth & dust attempt thy praise. The Welcome Messenger. 1 LORD, when we see a saint of thine Lie gasping out his breath, With longing eyes, and looks divine, Smilingand pleas'd in death: 2 How we could e'en contend to lay Our limbs upon that bed! We ask thine envoy to convey Our spirits in his stead. 3 Our souls are rising on the wing, To venture in his place For whengrim death has lost his sting, He has an angel's face. 4'Jesus, then purge my crimes away, 'Tis guilt creates my fears, 'Tis guilt gives death its fierce array, And all the aline it bears.