Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.9

248 LYRIC POEMS. Vain hopes, to reach their kindred on the shores! Lo, the wild seas and surging waves Gape hideous in a thousand graves: Ile still, ye floods, and know your bounds of sand, Ye storms, adore your Master's band ; The winds mein his fist, the waves at his command. 6 Fromthe eternal emptiness His fruitful word by secret springs Drew the whole harmony of things That form this noble universe : Old nothing knew his pow'rful hand, Scarcehad he spoke his full command, Fire, air, and earth, and sea, heard the creating call, And leap'd from empty nothing to this beauteous ah ; And still they dance, and still obey The orders they receiv'd the great cre ation-day, The Farewell. t DEAD be my heart to all below, To mortal joys and mortal cares ; To sensual bliss that charms us so, Be dark, my eyes, and deaf my ears. 2 Here I rehounce my carnal taste Of the fair fruit that sinners prize : Their paradise shall neverwaste One thought of mine, but to despise. 3 All earthly joys are overweigh'd With mountains of vexatious care ; And where's the sweet that is not laid A bait to some destructive snare? 4 Re gone for ever, mortal things ? Thou mighty mole-hill, earth, fare- well ! Angels aspire on lofty wings, And leave the globe for ants to dwell. 5 Come heav'n, and fill my vastdesires, My soul pursues the sov'reign good: She was all made of heav'nly fires, Nor can she live on meaner food. God only known to himself. I STAND and adore! how, glorious he That dwells in bright eternity ! We gaze, and we confound our sight Plung'd in th' abyss of dazzling light. 2 Thus sacred One, almighty Three, Great everlasting Mystery, What lofty numbers shall we frame Equal to thy tremendous name ? 3 Seraphs the nearest to the throne, Begin, and speak the great Unknown : Attempt the song,wind up your strings, To notes untry'd,and boundless things. Y You, whose capacious pow'rs survey Largely beyond our eyes of clay : Yet what a narrow portion too Is seen, or known, or thought by you ? 5 How flat your highest praises fall Below th' immense oncinal ! Weak creato es we, that strive in Yarn To reach an untreated strain ! 6 Great God, forgive our feeble lays, Sound out thine own eternal praise; A song so vast, a theme so high, Calls for the voice that tun'd the sky. Pardon and Sanctification. 1 MY crimes awake ; and hideous fear Distracts my restlessmind, Guilt meetsmy eyes with horrid glare, And hell pursues behind. 2 Almighty vengeance frowns on high, And flames array the throne ; While thunder murmurs round the sky Impatient to be gone. 3 Where shall I hide this noxious head? Can rocks or mountains save? Or shall I wrap me in the shade Of midnight and the grave ? 4 Is there no shelter from the eye Of a revenging God ? . Jesus, to thy dear wounds I fly, Bedew me with thy blood. ,5 Those guardian drops my soul secure, And wash away my sin; Eternal justice frowns no moré, And conscience smiles within. 6 I. bless that wondrous purple stream That whitens every stain ; Yet is my soul but half redeem'd, If sin the tyrant reign. I Lord, blast his empire with thy breath, That cursed throne must fall ; Ye flatt'ring plagues, that work tray death, Fly, for I hate you, all. Sovereignty and Grace. I THE Lord! how fearful is his name! Howwide is his command! Nature, with all her movingframe, Rests on his mighty hand. 2 Immortal glory forms his throne, And light his awful robe ; Whilst with a smile, or with a frown, He manages the globe. 3 A word of his almighty breath Can swell or sink the seas ; Build the vast empires of the earth, Or break them as he please. 4 Adoring angels round him fall In all their shining forms, His sov'reign eye looks thro' them all, Arid pities mortal worms. 5 His bowels, to our worthless race, In sweet compassion move; He clothes his looks with softest grace, And take § his title, Love.