Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.9

260 LYRIC , POEMS. Come, thou, the soul of all our joys, Thou, the Desire of nations, come. 5 Put thy bright robes of triumph on, And bless our eyes, and bless our ears; Thcu absent love, thou dear unknown, Thou Fairest of ten, thousand Fairs. 6 Our heart.-strings groan with deep complaint, Our flesh lies panting, Lord, for thee, And ev'ry limb, and ev'ry joint, Stretches for immortality. v Our spirits shake their eager wings, And burn to meet thy flying throne ; We rise away frommortal things T' attend thy shining chariot down. s Now let our chearful eyes survey The blazing earth and melting hills, And smile to see the lightnings play, And flash along before thy wheels. 9 O for a shout of violent joys To join the trumpet'sthund'ring sound! The angel herald shakes the skies, Awakes thegravesand tears theground. Io Ye slumb'ring saints, a heav'nly host Stands waiting at your gaping tombs; Let ev'ry sacred sleeping dust Leap into life, for Jesus comes. 11 Jesus, the God of might and love, New-moulds our limbs of cemb'rous Quick as seraphic flames we move, Active and young, and fair as they. 12 Our airy feet with unknown flight, Swift as the motions of desire, Run up the hills of heav'nly light, And leave the welt'ring world in fire. Bewailing my own Inconstancy. 1 I LOVE the Lord ;'but,ah !. how far My thoughts from the dear object are! This wanton heart how wide it roves And fancy meets a thousand loves. e If my soul burn to see my Gdd, I tread the courts of his abode, But troops of rivals throng the place And tempt me off before his face. 3 Would I enjoy my Lord alone, .1 bid my passions all be gene, Al! but my love ; and charge my will To bar the door and guard it still. 4 But cares, ortrifles, make, or Sad, Still new avenues to the mind, Till I with grief and wonder see, Huge crowds betwixt the Lord & pie. e Oft 1 am told the muse will prove A friend to pity and love; Straight I begin some - sacred song, And take my Saviodr on my tongue. s Strangely I lose bis lovelyface, To hall the empty sounds in chase: At best the chimes divide my heart, And the muse shares the larger part. ? False confidant! and falser breast! Fickle, and fond of ev'ry guest Each -airy image as it flies Here finds admittance thro' my eyes. 9 This foolish heart can leave her God, And shadows tempt her thoughts abroad: How shall I fix this wand'ring mind? Or throw my fetters on the wind ? 9 Look gently down, almighty grace, Prison me round in thine embrace; Pity the soul that would be thine, And let thy pow'r my love confine. 10 Say,when shall thy brightmoment be That I shall live alone for thee, My heart-no foreign lords adore, And the wild museprove false no more? Forsaken, yet Hoping. I HAPPY the hours, the golden days, When I could call my Jesus mine, And sit and view his smiling face, Andmelt in pleasures all divine. 2 Near tom heart, within my arms He lay, till sin defil'd my breast; . Till broken vows, and earthly charms, Tir'd and provok'd my heav'nly guest. 9 And now he's gone, O mighty woe ! Gone from my soul, and hides his love! Curse on you, sins, thatgriey'd him so, Ye sins, that forc'd himto remove. 4 Break, break, my heart; complain my tongue; Hither, myfriends,your sorrows bring: Angels, assist my doleful song, If you have e'er a mourning string. ¢ But ah ! your joys are ever high, Ever Isis lovely face you see ; While my poor spirits pant and die, And groan, for thee, my God, for thee. 6 Yet let my hope look thro' my tears, And spy afar his rolling throne His chariot thro' the cleaving spheres Shall bring the bright Beloved down. 7 Swift as a roe flies o'er the hills, My soul springs out to meet himhigh, Then the fair Conqueror turns his wheels, And climbs the mansionsof the sky. 9 There smiling joy for ever reigns, No more the turtle leaves the dove: Farewell to jealousies, and pains, And all the ills of absent love. The Conclusion. God Exalted above all Praise. 1 ETERNAL pow'r! whose high abode Becomes the grandeur of a God; . Infinite length beyond the bounds Wherestars revolve their little rounds. 2 The lowest step above thy seat Rises too high for Gabriel's feet, In vain the tall arch -angel tries [eyes. To reach thine height with wond'ring