272 LYRIC POEMS. She meetsdescending angels as she flies, Nor asks them where their country lies, Orwhere thesea -marks stand. Touch'd with an empyreal ray She springs unerring, upward to eternal Spreads day, r white sails aloft, and steers, With bold and safe attempt, to the celes- tial land. 3 Whilst little skiffs along the mortal shores With humble toil in order creep, Coasting ha sight of one another's oars, Nor venturethro' the boundless deep. Such low pretending souls are they Who dwell inclos'd in solid orbs of scull; Plodding along their sober way, The snail o'ertakes them in their wildest play, [reedy dull. While the poor labourers sweat to be cor- S Give me the chariot whose diviner wheels Mark their own rout, and ugeonfin'd Bound o'er the everlasting hills And lose the clouds below, and leave the stars behind. Give me them usewhose gencreusforce, Impatient of the reins, Pursues an unattempted comae, Breaks all the critics' iron chains, And bears to' the raptur'd mind. S There Milton dwells : The mortal sung Themes hotpresum'dbymortal tongue; New terrors, or new glories, shine In every page, and flying scenes divine Surprise the wond'ring - sense, and draw our souls along. Behold his muse sent out t' explore The unapparent deep where waves of Chaos roar, And realms of night unknown before. She trae'd a glorious path unknown, 'I Seo' fields of hcav'nly war, and seraphs overthrown, Where his advent'rous genius led :- Suv'reign she fram'd a model of her own, Nor thank'd the living nor the dead. The noble hater of degenerate rhyme Shook off the chains, and built his verse sublime, A monumenttoo high for coupled sound to climb. He mourn'd the garden lost below; (Earth is the scene for tuneful woe) Now bliss beats high in all his veins, Now the lost Eden he regains, Keeps his own air, and triumphs in un- rival'd strains. i Immortal yard ! Thus thy own Raphael sings, And knowsno rule but native fire.: All héav'n sits silent, while to his sov'reign strings He talks unutterable things ; With graces in9nite bis untaught fin- gers rove Aeross the golden lyre Prom every note devotion springs: Rapture, and harmony, and love, O'erspread the list'niag choir. To Ma. NICHOLAS CLARK. The Complaint. 1 'TWAS in a vale where Osiers grow, Bymurm'ring streams we told our s oc And mingled all our cares : Friendship sat pleas'd in both our eyes, In both the weeping dews arise, And drop alternate tears. 2 The vigorous monarch of the day, Now mounting half his morning way, Shone with a fainter bright: Still sick'uing, and decaying still, Dimly be wander'd up the bill, With his expiring light. 3 In dark eclipse his chariot roll'd, The queen of night obscur'd his gold Behind her sable wheels :. Nature grew sad to lose the day, The flow'ry valet in mourning lay, In mourning Stood the hills. 4 Such are our sorrows, Clark, I ery'd, Clouds of the brain grow black, and bide Our dark'ued souls behind : In the young morning f our years Distempering fogs have elinrb'd the spheres, And choak the la 5 Lo, the gay planet re And overlooks the to New- brighfning a But say, dear partner When will our. long , Or when our suns 6 In vain are potent herb3 harmonious sounds in vain u To make the darkness But draws Would raisethe ,i Or clatt ring brass relieve When fainting in the s b'ring mind. urn his head, fby shade, 11 the skies t of my moon, eclipse be gene arise ? bare try '4 soon n the moon Sky. rst with lore i x m by an ttfm The Afflictions of a Friend. !7 NOW let my cares all bury'd lie, My griefs for ever durhb Your sorrowsswell my heart so high, They leave my own '. no room. 7 Some friendly Spirit fro m above, Born of the light, and nu , Assist our feebler fires Force these invading glo gbs away; Souls should be seen quit ethro' tkerr clay, Bright es your heav'nl choirs. 8 But if the f o g s mustda pthe flame; Gently,kind death, dissolve our frame, Release the pris'neranì A d: Our soulsshall mount,att discharge, To their bright source, d shine at large Nor clouded, tier co 'd.