Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.9

296 LYRIC POPd1S. Et per ntramgne Angliam Celebri, Altum & salutare volm.s, Americanem se. atque Europium. Vulneratas idem trattare leniter solers, $t binequoqueinsanetiministeriispem Etmedelamadhiberemagissalutarem. eductus Ex desæcate cordis fonte Non fallacem: _ Divins Bloques afiatim scatabant labia, Et hune utraque novit Anglia Etiam in familiari contubernio: Doctem & docentem. Spirabat ipse undique cmlestes suavitates Corpore fuitprocero, forma placide ve- Quasi oleo lætitne semper reeéns deli- renda; [nuerunt butas, At supra corpus & formam sublime enfi- Et semper supra sacius; Indoles, tngenium, atq; ereditio: Gratumque dilettissimi sui Jesu odorem Supra hsec pietas, & ( sitas dicere) Quaquaversh & late diffudit. Supra pietatem modestia, Dolores tolerans supra fidem, Cæteras enim dotes obumbravit. Ærumnæque heu imam assidum! Quoties in rebus divinis peragendis Invicto animo, victrice patientia Divinitusatllatæ mentis spectmino Varias curarum moles puma Prmstantiora edidit, Et in stadio & in meta vitæ :, Toties hominemsedulus occnluit Quam ubi propingnam vidit, Ut solos conspiceretur Dens: Plerophoria fidei quasi corro alato ventas Volait tutus latere, nec potuit; Propere & exoltim attigit. Heu quantum tamen sui nos latet! Natos est in agro Lancastriensi 20° Mar- Et malorem laudis partem sepulchrale tu, 1630. marmor Inter Nov- Angles theologiæ tyrocinia Invito obruit silentio. fecit. Cratiam Jesu Christi salutiferam Pastorali munere dio Dublinii in Hiber- Quamabundehausitipse ,aliispropinavit, nia functus, Purum ab humana fæee. Tandem (ut semper) providentiam secu- Veritatis evangelicæ decus ingens, tus dncem, Et ingens propugnaculum. Ccethi fideliutn apnd Londinenses præ- Concionator gravis aspectu, gesto, voce; positus est, Cui nec aderat pompa oratoria, Q:ws doctrina, precibus, & vita beavit: Nec deerat; Ah brevi Flosculos rhetorices supervacaneos fecit Corpore solut.us 26° Jelii, 1607.. tat.67. Rerum dicendarum majestas, & Deus Ecclesiis mcerorem, theologis exemplar prmsens. reliquit. Hine senso militiæ sum non infelicia, Prdbis phsque omnibus Hinc Loties fugatus -Satanas. Infandum sui desiderium: Et hinc s interim Dam pelvis Christo charos hic Islet Ab inferorum portis toties reportatæ. dormit Colers Ille ferreis impiorum ammis in- Expectans stellam matnninam. figerc To the Reverend MR. JOHN SHOWER, On the Death of his Dunyleier Mrs. Anne Warner. Reverend and dear Sir, HOW/great soever was my sense of your loss, yet did not think myself fit to offer any lines of comfort : your own meditations can furnish you with many a de- lightful truth in the midst of so heavy á sorrow; for the covenant of grace has brightness enough in it to gildthe most gloomy providence ; and to that sweet co- venant your soul is no stranger. My own thoughts were much imprest with the tidings of your daughter's, death; and though I made many a reflection on the vanity ofmankind in its best estate, yet I must acknowledge that my temper leads me most to the pleasant scenes of heaven, and that future world of blessedness. When.I recollect the memory of my friends that are dead, I frequently rove into the world of spirits, and search them out there : Thus I endeavoured to trace Mrs. Warner; and these thoughts crowding fast upon me, I set them down for my own entertainment. The verse breaks off abruptly, because I had no design to ivrite'a finished elegy ; and besides, when I was fallen upon the dark side of death, I had no niind to tarry there. if the lines I have written, he so happy as to entertain you alittle, and divert your grief, the time spent in composing them, shall not be reckoned among my lost hours, and the rev w will be more pleasing to, Sir, Sour affectionate humble Servant, I. W. 73'eeenber 24, 1707.