316 MISCELLANEOBS TIIOUGIITS. Squibs, crackers, excommunications, curses, Roaring bulls, and vain thun- ders, Mixt up with priestly choler, bitter and black, Were its delicious food. " Ordinis ut plurimum clericalis, " Oregis potissimum Loyolitici, " 0 Congregationis prieterel vene- randm " De propaganda, per orbem fide " Coccenatus autistes. IO " Nobilissimm inquisitionis curiæ, Solertissimæ hmretieorum mus- cipulm) " Primmvus fundator & præses. r` Amplissimo cardinaliumconcessui " Necnoasanetissimo S. R. ecclesim " Patri capitique, " A secretioribus semper consiliis. 11 " Christiani insuper Orbit totius " Tam per orientales, quails 'eels dentales Mundi plagas " Miseré secum militantis (" Bt quid,qumso, dicendum ?) " Antesignatms semper trium- phans. (Nora Metre and Rhyme proceed.) 9 A purple prelate, chosen to preside Over the whole Ignatian drove, And all the clergy tribes beside, All but the sacred few that mix their zeal with love, In everydifferent sect 'twas known, It made the cassock and the cowl its own, Now stalk'd in formal cloak, now flutter'd in the gown. 10 At what dark hour soe'er The currt divan at Rome were met, Catholic faith to propagate, This monster fill'd the chair. The concave drest in bonnets red, With three - crown'd tyrant at their head, Made it their privy - counsellor. The inquisition court (a bloody crew, Artful to set the solemn trap That lets no heretic escape) Owns it herpresident andfounder too. 12 " Insulte Britannicm extraneis ab hostihus " Pelagi moenibus, necnon ab na- vium Propugnaculis bene manitm, a` Bonis prmterea domesticis, " ®uá sacris, quit civilibus ° (Bona si tandem sua noverit) 11 Oft as the church is east or western lands Rising against herself in arms, In her own blood imbru'd her hands, This chief led on th' unnatural war, Or did the bloody standards bear, Or sound the fierce alarms; Victorious still. (And what can more be said Of all the living warriors, or the he- roes dead ?) IS Britain, a land well stor'd with every good, That nature, law, religion gives ; A land where sacred freedom thrives ; Blest isle! if her own weal she un- derstood 1 Her sons immur'd with guardian ocean sleep, And castles floating on the deep, Fenc'd from all foreign foes, O shame! O sin ! IIer sons had let this baleful mischief in; This hellish fury, who with flatCring. breath