GENERAL Vol. Peg, Praise for creation and provi- ix 207 dente of God for the gospel for learning to read - for mercies for our redemption waiting for God Prayer advantages therefrom cautions in directions for expressions in extemporary family . by forms gesture in gift of grace of how to atttin guide to long matter of method of morning parts of persuasive to learn spirit of proved voice in composed for the use and imitation of children for the dead, (popish) for infants for youngchildren for youth Pravo Preaching various intimations on iv instructions by . viii exemplified Pre- existent state iv Preface to the Arian invited to the orthodox faith vi 207 to the art of reading and writing English vi 45 to a brief scheme of on- tology viii 486 to catechism of scriptural names v 280 to a caveat against infi- delity iii 243 to the christian doctrine of the trinity vi 109 to death and heaven ii 803 to a defense against the temptation to self-mur- der viii 533 to the doctrine of the pas- sions. ii 445 or an enquiry into the right way of fitting the book of psalms for christian worship in 27 323 208 209 208 207 496 i 445 v 191 175 182 127 111 146 106 142 105 148 151 156 89 129 115 123 119 116 190 i 75 v 161 161 138 322 497 332 333 325 334 ix 420 ii 564 584 120 545 200 200 276 INDEX. 633 'Vol. Pag. Preface to an essay towardsthe encouragement of charity- schools,par- titularly amongpro- testant dissenters vi S to an essay on civil power in things sa- cred iv 170 to the glory of Christ, as God=inan vi 484 to a guidetp prayer v 85 to the harmony of all the religions appoint- ed by God iii 329 to the historical cate- chism 2136 to holiness of times places, and people iii 625 to an humble attempt towards the revival of practical religion among christians iv 685 to the hymns ix 127 to the improvement of the mind viii S of a letter ix 433 to miscellaneous thoughts in prose and verse ix 311 to philosophical essays on various subjects viii 327 to prayers composed for the use and imi- tation of children v 314 to a preservative from the sins and follies of childhood and youth w 266 to ruin and recovery of mankind iv 229 to a short view of the whole scripture his- tory 376 to strength and weak- ness of human rea- son iii 379 to useful and impor- tant questions con - cerning Jesus the Son of God vi 391 to the world to come vii . s Prejudice iii les doctrine of vii 420 from things 421 world 426 ourselves 427 others 437 management viii 194 Preparatory thoughts for the Lord's supper ix 256 Presence of God in prayer i 66 Preservative from the sins and follies of childhood and youth Pride in poverty Primaaval state 266 i 357 ii 482 Zii 24 lir 59 iii 500 'iv 295