42 INDEX TO TAE PSALMS. Re, 11e. his obedience and death, 69.; his personal glories and government, 45. praised by children, 8. priest mid king, Ils, his resurrection on the Lord's-day, 1I8. our strength and righteousness, 71. his sufferings and kingdom, 2, 22, 69. his sufferings for Our salvation, 69. his zeal and re- i proachey, ib. Christian qualifications, 15, 24. church: made of Jews and Gentiles, 87. Church, its beauty, 43, 48,122. the birth -', place of saints, 87.built on JesusChrist, II8. delight and safety in it, 27. de- struction of enemies proceeds from thence, 76. gathered and settled, I32. of the Gentiles, 43, 47. God fights for her, In, 20, 46. God's presence there, 84, 132. God's special delight, 87, 132. God's garden, 92, going to it, 122. the house and care of God, 135. of the Jews and Gentiles,87. its increase, 67.prayer in distress, 83. persecuted, see perse- cution, restored by prayer, 8.5, 102, 107. its safety in national desolations, 46. is the safety and honour of a na- tion, 48. the spouse of Christ, 45. its worship and order, 48. wrath against enemies proceeds thence, 76. Colonies planted, 107. Comfort, holiness, and pardon, 4, 32,119, Ilth and 12th parts. and support in God, 16, 94, from ancient providences, 193, of life blest, I27, and pardon, 130, Company of saints, 16, 106. Complaint of absence from pnblic wor- ship, 42. of sickness, 6. desertion, 13. pride, atheism, oppression, &c. 10, 12, of temptation, I3. general, Io2. of quarrelsome ueighbonrs,I20. of heavy afflictions in mind and body, I93. Compassion of God, 103, 145, 147. Communion with saints, 106, 133. Confession -of our poverty, 16, of sin, re- pentance and pardon, 32, 38, 51, 130, 143. Conscience .ender, Ile, 13th part. its guilt relieved, 32, 38, 31, 130. Contention complained of Its. Converse with God. 63, I19, 2d park. Conversion and joy, I26, at the ascension of Christ, 110. of Jews and Gentiles, 87, 96, I06. Correction, see A fH iction. Cnrrsptiun of manners general, ÍI, 12. Counsel and support from God, 16, 119, 6th part. Courage in death, 16, 17, 91. in persecu. tion 119; 17th part. Covenant made with Christ, 89. of grace unchangeable, 89, let. Creation and providence, 33, 104, I35, 136, 147, 148. Creatures ,. no trust in them, 33, 62, 146, vain, andGod all-sufficient, 33. prais- ing God, 148. D Daily devotion, 55, 139. Day of .humiliation for disappointments in star, 60. Death and resurrection of Christ, 16, 69. ofsaints and sinners,17, 37, 49. and suf- ferings of Christ, 22, 69. deliverance from it, 31. and pride, 49. and the re- surrection, 40, 71, 89. courage in it¡ 16, 17, 23, the effect of sin, 90. Defence in God, 3, 121. and salvation in God 18, 61. Delaying sinners warned, 95. Delight and safety in the church, 27, 48, 14. in the law of God, 119, 5th, 8th, and I9th parts in God, 18, 42, 63, 73, 84. Deliverance begun and perfected, 85. from despair, to, from deep distress, 34,40. from death,31, I18.from oppres- sior, and falsehood, 56, from persecu- tion, 53, 94. by prayer, 34, 40, 85, 126. from shipwreck, 107. from slander, 3T. surprising, 126. from temptation, 3, 6, 13, 18. from a tumult, 118. Desertation and distress of soul, 13, 25, 38, 143. Desire of knowledge, 119, 9thpart. of h °- linens, I19, 11th part. of comfort and deliverance, 119, 12th part. of quicken- ing grace, 119, 16th part. Desolations,thechurch's safety in them, 46. Despair and hope in death, 17, 49, deli- verance from it, 18, 130. Devotion daily, 55, 134, 14I: on a sick- bed, 6, 38. see Morning, Evening, Lord's -day. Direction and pardon, 25. and defence prayed for, 5, and hope, 42. see Know- ledge. Disease, see sickness. Distress of soul, or backsliding and der sertion, 25. relieved, 51, 130. . Dominion of man over creatures, 8. Doubts and fears suppressed, 3,31, 153. Drunkard and glutton 107. Duty to God and man, 15, 24. Dwelling withGod, see Heaven, Church, Lc. E Education, religions, 54, 71. Egypt's plagues, 105. End of the righteous and wicked, 1, 37 . Enemies overcome, 18. prayed for, 35, 109. destroyed, 12. 48, 76. Envy and unbelief cured, 37, 49. Equity and wisdom of providence, 9. Evening psalm, 4, 139, 141. Evidences of grace, or self- examination, 26. of sincerity 18, 19, 139. Evil tines, 12: neighbours, Ito. magic- trates, 14, 58, 82. Exaltation of Christ to the kingdom, 3, 21, 22, 69, 72, 110. Examination, or evidencesof grace, 26, 139. Exhortations to peace and holiness, 34. F Faith and prayer of persecuted saints, 35. in the blood of Christ, 32, 31. in divine grace and power, 62, 130. Faithfulness of God, 89, 105, 111, 145, 146. of man, I5, 141,