INDEX TO T Falsehood, blasphemy, &c. 12. and op- pression, deliverance from them, 12,56. Family government, 101. love and wor- ship, 133. blessings, 128. Fears and doubts suppressed, 3, 31, 34. in the worship of God, 89, 99. of God, 119 13th part Flattery and deceit complained of, 12, 36. Forgiveness, see Pardon. Formal worship, 50. Frailty of man, 89, 90, 144. Fretfulness, discouraged. 37. Friendship, its blessings, 133. Funeral psalm, 89, 90. HE PSAL6;S. 543 66, 125- and glory, 84, 97. pardoning, 130. Guilt of consciencerelieved, 32, 38, 51, 130. G Gentiles given to Christ, 2, 22, 72. church, 45, 65, 72, 87. owning the true God, 47, 96,'98. Glorification and condescension ofChrist, 8, 45. Glory of God in our salvation, 69. and grace promised,'04, 89, 97. Glutton, 78. and drunkard, 107. God all in ail, 127. all-seeing, 139. all - sufficient. 16, 33. his being, attributes and providence, 36, 65, 147. his care of saints, 7,34. his creation and pro- vidence, 33, 104, &c. our defence and salvation, 3, 33, 61, 110. eternal and sovereign, and holy, 93. eternal, and men mortal, 90, 102. faithfulness, 89, 105, III. glorified, and sinners saved, 69, goodness and mercy, 103, 195. goodness and truth, 145, 146. govern- ing power and goodness, 66. great and good, 68, 144, 145, 147. heart- search- ing, 139. our only hope and help, 142. thejudge, 9, 50, 97. kind to bis people, 145, 146. his majesty, 97. and conde- scension, 113, 144. mercy and truth, 36, 89, 103, 136. 145. made man, 8. of nature and grace, 65. his perfections, 36, 111, 145, 147. our portion, and Christ our hope, 4. our portion here and hereafter, 73. his power and ma- jesty, 68, 89, 93, 96. praised by chil- dren, 8, our preserver, 121, 138. pre- sent in his churches, 84. our refuge in national troubles, 46. our shepherd, 23. his sovereignty and goodness to. man, 8,113,144. oursupport and com- fort, 94. supreme governor, 75, 82, 93. his vengeance and compassion 68, 93. unchangeable, 89, I11. his universal dominion, 103. his wisdom in his works, 1 I I, 159. worthy of all praise, 145, 146, 150. Good works, 15, 24, 112. profit men, not God. 16. Goodness of God. 8, 103, 111, 145, 146. Gospel, its glory and success. 19, 45, 110. joyful sound, 89, 98. worship and order, 48. Grace, its evidences, or self exdtaina- tien, 26,130. above riches, 144. with- out merit, 16. 32. of Christ, 45, 72. sad providence, 33, 36, 135, 136, 147. pre- serving and restoring, 138. truth end protection, 57. tried by affliction, 17, H Happy saint and cursed sinner, 1. Harvest, 65, 126, 147. Health, sickness, and recovery, 6, 30, 31. prayed for, G, 38,.39. Heart known to God, 132. Hearing of prayer and salvation, 4, l0, 66, 102. Heaven of separate souls and resurrec- tion, 17. the saints dwelling- place, 24. Holiness, pardon and comfort, 4. desired, 119, 11th part. profest, 119, 3d part, 139. Hope in darkness, 13, 77, 143. of resur- rection, 16, 71, and despair in death. 17, 49. and prayer, 27. for victory, 20, and direction, 42. in afflictions, 42, 143. Hosanna of the children, 8. for the Lord's - day, 118. Household, see Family. Humiliation day, 10. for disappointment, 60. Humility and submission, I31, 139. Hypocrites and hypocrisy, 12, 50. 1 Idolatry reproved, 16, 115, 135. Jehovah, 68, 83. reigns, 93, 96, 97. Jews, see Israel. Images, see Idolatry. Imprecations and charity, 35. Incarnation, 97, 98. and sacrifice of Christ, 40. Infants, 139, see Children Instruction from God, 25. from scripture, 119, 4th and 7th parts, in piety, 34. Instructive afflictions, 54. Intemperance punished, 78. and par- doned, 107. Joy of conversation, 126. see Delight. Israel saved fromthe Assyrians, 76. saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan, 77, 100, I07, I35, 136. rebellion and punishment, 78. punished and pardon- ed, I06, I07. travels in the wilderness, 107, I14. Judgment and mercy, 9, 68. day, I, 26, 50, 97, 98, 149. seatof God, 9. Justice of providence, 9. and truth to- wardsmen ' 15. Justification free, 32, I30. K King is the care of heaven, 21. KingWilliam and king George, 75. Kingdom of Christ, set Christ. Knowledge desired, 19, 119, 9th part. L Law of Cod, delight in it 119. Liberality rewarded, 41, 112. Life and riches, their vanity, 49. short and feeble, 891 90, 144. Longing after God, 42, 63.