AS TABLE TO T Happy the man to whom his God 56 Happy the man whose cautions feet 39 Bear me, OGod, nor hide thy face 95 Hear what the Lord in vision said 87 Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail 45 He reigns, the Lord, the Saviour reigns 93 He that hath made his refuge God 89 High in the heavens, &c. 59 How awful is thy chast'ning rod 82 How did my heart rejoice to hear 112 How fast their guilt and sorrows rise 47 .How long, O Lord, shall I complain 45 flow long wilt thou conceal thy fate 45 How pleasant, how divinely fair 84 How pleasant 'tis to see 116 How pieas'd and bless'd was I 112 How shall the young secure their hearts 107- J Jehovah reigns, he dwells in light 90 Jesus our Lord, ascend thy throne 101 Jesus shall reign where'er thesun 79 If God succeed not, all the cost 113 If God to build the house deny 114 I lift my soul to God 53 I'll bless the Lord from day to day 57 I'll praise my Maker with my breath 122 I'll speak the honours of my King 63 f love the Lord, he heard my cries 104 In all my vast concerns with thee 119 la anger, Lord, rebuke me not 42 hi God's own house pronounce his praise 125 In Judah God of old was known 81 Into thine hand, O God of truth 55 Joy to the world, &e. 93 1 set the Lord before my face 47 Is there ambition in my heart led It is the Lord our Saviour's hand 95 Judge me, O Lord, and prove my ways 54 Judges who rule the world by laws 71 Just are thy ways and time thy word 48 I waited patient for the Lord 61 Twill extol thee, Lc. 55 L Let all the earth their voices raise 92 Let alt the heathen writers join 108 Let children hear the mighty deeds 82 Let ev'ry creature juin 125 Let ev'ry tongue thy goodness speak 1.29 Let God arise in all his might 75 Let sinners take their course . 70 Let. Zion in her King rejoice . 64 Let Zion in her sons rejoice 95 Lo, what a glorious corner stone 106 .Lo, what an entertaining sight 115 Long as 1 libe I'tt bless thy name Ill Lord, hast thou cast the nation off 72 Lord', I am thine, Bust thou wilt prove 48 Lied, 1 am vile, conceiv'd in sin 59 Li rd, I can suffer thy rebukes 45 Lord, I esteem thy judgments right 107 Lord, if thine eyessnrvey our faults 89 Lord, if tüue dost not soon appear 45 Lord, I have made tliywmd mychoice 108 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear 41 lord, twill bless thee all my days 57 Lord, I would spread my sore distress 60 HE PSALMS. Lord of the worlds above Bs Lord, thou hast call'd thy grace to mind 86 Lord, thou hast heard thy servant cry 105 Lord, thou hast search'd arid seen me thro' 118 Lord, thou hastseen my soul sincere 48 Lord, thou wilt hear me when i pray 41 Lord, 'tis a pleasant thing to stand 90 Lord, we have heard thy works of old 63 Lard, what a feeble piece 89 Lord, what athoughtless wretch was I 79 Lord, what is man, poor feeble man I 2 Lord,what was man when made at first 43 Lord, when I count my mercies o'er 120 Lord, when thou didst ascend on high 76 Loud hallelujahs to the Lord 124 M Maker and sov'reign Lord ' 40 Mercy and judgment are my song 94 Mine eyes and my desire 53 Sly God, accept my early vows 120 Sly God, consider my distress 109 My God, how many are my fears 40 MyGod, in whom are all the, springs 71 My God, my everlasting hope 78 MyGod, my King, thy varioaspraise 121 My God,, permit my tongue 73 Sly God, the steps of pious men 60 My God, what inward grief I feel 119 My heart rejoices in thy name 55 My never -ceasing songs shall show '86 My refuge is the God of love - 44 Myrighteous Judge, my gracious God 120 My Saviour and my King 63 My Saviour, my Almighty Friend 76 My Shepherd is the living Lord 52 My Shepherd will supply my need 02 My soul, how lovely is the place 85 My soul lies cleaving to the dust Ito My soul, repeat his praise 96 My soul, thy great Creator praise 97 My Spirit looks to God alone 72 My spirit sinks within me, Lord, 62 My trust is in my heav'nly Friend 42 N No-sleep nor slumber to his eyes 114 Not to our names, thou only Just and True 104 Not to ourselves, who are but dust 103 Now be my heart inspir'd to sing 64 Now from the roaring lion's rage 51 Now I'm convinc'd the Lord is kind 79 Now let our lips with holy fear 77 Now let our mournful songs record 52 Now may the God of power and glace 50 Now plead my cause, AlmightyGod 58 Now shall my solemn vows be paid 76 O - O all ye nations praise the Lord 108 O blessed souls are they 55 O bless the Lord, my soul 96 O Britain, praise thy mighty. God 120 Of justice and of grace 1 sing 95 Q for a, shout of sacred joy 64