Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.9

352 GENERA L 1N[)EX. Charity and uncharitableness, a 126. and love, a 130, 133. Children in the covenant of grace, a 113, 114 devoted to God, a 12 b 127. Christ, sec Lord, and Aaron, a 145. and Adam, a 124 his ascension, b 76. Bea- tific sight of him, b 75. Beloved, des - cribed, a 75, the dread of Life, c 5. his care of the yortngand feeble, a 125738. and the church, seeking, finding, &e. tee Church coining to,ludge, a 16. his commission, b 103, 104 communion with him, a 66, 71. and saints, a 67, 76. c 2. coMpared to inanimate things, a 146. his coronation and espousals, a72. his cross not to be ashamed of, e i 9. crucified God's wisdom and power, c 10. Da, id's son, a l6, 50. his death caused by sin, b 81. grace and glory by it, c 23 victory and kingdom, b 114, his divine nature, a 21, 13, 92. b 51. dwells in hea- ven, t;isits thé earth,. a 76. Enjoyment of him, b 15, 16. his eternity a 2, 92. example, b 139. excellencies, a 75. b 47. Faith and knowledge of him, a 103. his flesh and blood oor food, a 17,' 18. found and brought to the church, a 71. his glory in'heaven. b 91. God recon- ciled in him, b 148. grace given us in him, a 137. b 40. High Priest and King, a 61. his human and divine nature, a 2, 13, 16. humi- liation and exaltation, a 1, 63,141, 142. b. 5, 43, 81, 83, 84, a 10, 16. His incarnation, a 3, 13., intercession, b 36, 37, 118.' invitation to sinners, a.. 27. The King at his table, n M. his kingdom among men, is 3, .21. knowledge and faith in him, a 103. The Lamb of God, a 1., 25;62, 63. bis love to the church, a 14, 77, under deser- tion, b 50. shed abroad in the heart, a 135. to men, a 92 lifted up, 0112. Ministered to by angels, b 112, 113- mi- racles at the birth of Christ, 1)136. mi- racless in his life, death and resurrec- tion, b 137. and Moses, a l 18. Names and titles; a 47, 148, 149, 150. nativity, a 3, 13. Obeyed or resisted, a 93. his offices, a 149. 150, b 132. Pardon and strength from'him, C 24. our passover, b 156. his person glorious and gracious, a 75 b 47. our physician, a 1to. his pity to the afflicted and tempted, a 125. his priesthood, a 145 b 118 his presence. see presence, pro- phecies, and types of . him, Is 135. prophet, priest, and king, a 25. b 132. our prophet and teacher, a 93. Redemption, see Redeem, rejected by the -Jews, a 141. resurrection, b 72, 76. is our Wipe, a 26. resurrection, life and death miraculous, b 137. revealed to man, a 10. to babes, a 11, 12, righteousness and strength in him, a 84, 83, 97. righteousness valuable, A 109, His sacrifice, b 142 and intercession, b t18. salvation; righteousness and strength in him, a 15, 84 85, 97, 98. our sanctification, a 97, 06. satan at enmi- ty, a 107. saints is his hand, a 138. our shepherd, a 67, 142. thesnbstance of the types, b 12. sent by the Father, a leo. b 103, 104. his sufferings, e 16. and godly sorrow, b 9, 106. and glory, a 1, 62, 63. b 43, 81, 83. 84. a 10. His titles and kingdom,al 3. triumph over oar enemies, a 28, 29. types and pro- phecies of him, b 135. Victory over satan, a 58. h 89. death and hell, c 21. unseen, and beloved, a 108. Wisdom of, God, a 02. our wisdom and righteousness, a 97, 98. worshipped by the creation, a 62. Christian, see Saints, Spiritual, Re. reli- gion, its excellency, b 131 almost, b '158. virtues, b I61. Church, see Worship, Saints, Spiritual, its safety and protection, a 8, 39. b 64, 92. its enemies slain by Christ, a 21, 29. conversing with Christ, namely, seeking, finding, calling, answering, a 66 -71. under God's care, a 66. espou- sals with Christ, a 72. beauty in theeyes of Christ, a 73. the garden of Christ, a 74. Circumcision abolished, b 134. and bap- tism, a.121. b 127. Cloathing spiritual, a 7, 49. Comfort in the covenant with Christ, b 40. restored, b 73. see pardon. in sor- rows of mind and body, b 50, 65. Communion with Christ and saints, a2. between Christ and the church,' a 66 . 71. b 10, 16. Compassion of a dying Christ, c 22. to the afflicted, a 125. Complaint of a hard heart, h 89 of de- sertion and temptations, b I63. of dul- ness, h 34. of indwelling, sin, a 115. of ingratitude, b 74. of sloth and negli- gence, b 25, 32. Condemnation by the law, a 94. Condescension to our worship, b 45. affairs, b 46. Confession and pardon, a I3I. Conscience good, the pleasure of it, b 57. secure and awakened, a 115. Constancy in the gospel, b 4. Contention and love, a 130. Conversion, a 104. b 159. the difficulty Of it, b I61. delayed a 88 -9I the joy of heaven, a IoI. o Conviction of sin by the law, a 94, 115. by the cross of Christ, b 81, 80. Corrupt nature from Adam, a 57, 107. b 128, 119. Covenant of grace, a 9. children therein a 113 114. sealed and sworn, a 139, e 3. hope in it, a 139. made with Christy our comfort, b 40 of works, see Law, Gospel Covetousness, &c. a 24- b 56, IOI. Courage and constaley, a I4, 15, 48. b 4,- 65 Creation, a 92. b 7I, 147. new, it I30. pre-