556 INDEX TO'THE HYMNS. out God h the world, b 56. of sin -. Power of God, a 86, and wisdom in nets, see Sinner, Death, Hell. Christ crucified, b 126. c 10. Mad Morning and evening songs, a 79, 80, goodness of God awful, a 42, b 80. 81, b 6, 7, 8. Praise imperfect on earth, b 5. for daily Mortality and vanity of man, a 82. protection and preservation, b. 6, 7, Mortification to the world by the sight 8. from angels, b 27. -from the ereá. of God, b 41. by the cross of Christ, tion, b 71. to the Redeemer, b 5, 21, b 106 a 7. 29, 35, 78. to the Trinity, c 26 -41. Moses and Christ, a 49, 118. for creation and redemption, b 35. Moses dying, b 49. Aaron and Joshua Prayer and praise, a 1. for deliverance b 124, answered, a 30. Mourning, see Complaint, Repentance. Preaching, baptism, and the Lord's Mysteries revealed, a 11, 12. supper, b 141. N Predestination, see Election. National mercies and thanks, b 1, llt.- Preparation for death, a 27. see Death, Nativity of Christ, a 2, 3, 13. Presumption and despair, a 115. b 156. Nature and grace, a 104. corrupt from 157. Adam, a 57, b 128, 159. Presence of God in worship, b 45. -light Neighbour and God loved, a 116: in darkness, b 54. in death, a 19. In New covenant sealed, c 3. promises, a, 31, 49. c 14. in life and death. b 117. 7. song, a 1. creature, a 9. testa- or absence of Christ, h 50. of Christ ment in the blood of Christ, 3. crea- in worship, a 66. b 15, 16. a 15. of Lion, a 95. b 150. birth, a 95. God our life, b 93, 94, 100. November 5th, a song of praise, b 92. Preservation of this world, b. 13. of our gras, 'a 51 of our Obedience evangelical, a 140, 143. Pride and humility, atli, iii, 127.E 19. Old age and death of the unconverted, Priesthood levitical ending in Christ, b a 91. 12. of Christ, b 118. Oifence not to be given, a 126. Prodigal repenting, a 123. Offices and operations cf the Holy Profit and uoprofitableness, a 118, b Spirit, b 133, and of Christ, a 146- 165. 150. h 152. Promised Messiah born, a 60, 107. Olive tree, the wild and good, a 114. Promises of the covenant, a 9, 39, 107. Ordinances, seeWorahip,Lord's Supper. see Scripture, and truth of God un- Original sin, a 57. see Adam, Nature. changeable, a 139. our security, b P 40, 60, 69. Pains, comfort under them, b 50, Prophecies and types of Christ, b 135. Paradise on earth, b 30,.59. and inspiration, b 151. Pardon, a sufficiency of it, b 85, and Prosperity and adversity, a 5. vais, b confession, a 131; and strength from 56, 101. Christ, c 24. bought at a dear price, Protection from spiritual enemies, 6.82, e 4. and sanctification by faith, a 9, of the church, a 8, 22, 23. see Church. b90, brought to our senses, c 11. Providence, b 46. executed by Christ, Parents and .children, a II3, 114.. con- a I. over afflictions and death. a 83. vep not grace, a 99. its darkness,. b 109. prosperous and Passover, Christ is ours, b. 155. afflictive, a 5. - Passion, see Christ, Sufferings, Anger, Provisions, see Gospel, Lord's table. Love. Public Ordinances, seeWorship. Patience under "afflictions, a 5, 129. b Publican and Pharisee, a 131. 109."of God producing repentance, b Punishment for sin, see Hell, a 100, 74,105. "118. Peace of conscience, b 57. and comes- R tion, a 130. see Comfort, Joy. Race, christian, a 48. b. 53. Perfections of God, b 166 -160. Reason, feeble, b 87. carnal, humbled, Persevering grace, a 26, 32,48, 51, 138. a 11, 12. Person of Christ glorious and gracious, Recovery from sickness, a 53. a 75. b 47. Reconciliation to God in Christ, b 148., Persecution, courage under it, a 14. Redemption in Christ. a 97, 98, b 78. Pharisee and publican, a 131. and protection, b 82. by price, 4 PI grimage of the saints, b 53. and by power, b 29. see Christ. P lessere of a good conscience, b 57. of Regeneration,. a 95. b 150. see ) lec- religion, b 30, 59. sinful forsaken, b tion, Adoption, Sanctification. 10,11. their vaaityanddauger, b "101. Religion neglected, b 32. vain without Poverty of Spirit, a 102, 127. love, a 134. christianity, the excel-