Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.9

558 INDEX TO THE HYMNS. Support under trials, b 50, 65. Sympathy of Christ, a 125. Table of the Lord, see Lord Temptations, hope under them, a 139, of the werld, b 101. of the Devil, h. 65, 156, 157. and desertion corn- plained of, b 163. Tempted, Christ's compassion to them a 125. Terrors of death to the unconverted, a 91. Testament, new, in the blood of Christ, c3. Thanksgiving for victory, b 111, for mercies, b 116. national, b 1. Throne of Grace, see Grace, Thunderer, God, b 62. Time redeemed, a 88. ours, and eternity God's b 67, Tree of life, a 8. and river of love, c 20. Trinity praised, c 26-41. Trials on earth, and hope of heaven,' b 65. Triumph over death, a 6. b 110. of faith in Christ, a 14. at a feast, c 21, of Christ over our enemies, a 28. Trust, see Faith. Truth and promises of God unchange- able, a 139. b 60, 69. Types, b 12, and prophecies of Christ, b 13$. V Vain prosperity, b 56, 101: Value of Christ and his righteousness, a 109. Vanity and mortality of man, a 82: of youth, a 89, 90. of the creatures, b 146. Victory, a thanksgiving for it, b 111. over death, a 17, sin and sorrow, a 14. of Christ over Satan, a 58. b S9. see Enemies. Virtues christian, b 161, see Holiness, Love, Saint, Spiritual. Unbelief and faith, a 110, b. 125. punished, a 118. Uncharitableness and charity, a 126. Unconverted state, b 159. death terrible to them a 91. Unfrnitfulness, b 165. Uasaactified affections, b 165. Unseen things, faith in them, a 120: W Wandering affections, b 20. thoughts in worship, a 136. Warfare, christian, b 77; Water, the Spirit, and the blood, c 9.'. Weak saints encouraged by Christ, a 125. by the church, a 126. Weakness our own, and Christ our strength, a 15. Wisdom and power of God in Christ crucified, c 10. carnal humbled, a I1, 12. Witnessing and sealing spirit, a 144. Word of God, a 53, preached, a 10, 119. see Gospel, Scripture. World, crucifixion to it by the cross, e 7. the temptations of it, b 101, its end, b 164. mortification of it by the sight of God, b 41. its creation, b 147. preservation, b I3. Worship of heaven humble, b 68. pro- fitable, b 123. condescended to by God, b 45. Christ present at it, a 66. b 15, 16. c 15. accepted through Christ, b 36, 37. formality in it, a 136. delightful b 14, 15, 16, 42. Wrath and mercy of God, a 42, b 80. see God, Hell. ' Y Yoke of Christ easy, a 127. Youth, its vanities, a 89. 90. advised, a 91. Z Zechariah's song and John's message, a 50. Zeal in the Christi an race, a 48. b 129. and love, a 14, for the gospel, a 103, b 4,,the want of it, b 25. against sin, b 106. for God, b 116. Zion, ber glory and defence, b 64. see Churcb,