TABLE TO THE HYMNS. 561 Page Man has a soul of vast desires 191 Mistaken souls that dream of heav'n 156 My dear Redeemer and my Lord 190 My drowsy pow'rs, why sleep ye so 166 My God, how endless rsthy love 146 My God, my life, my love 181 My God, my portion, and my love 181 My God, permit me not to be 187 My God, the spring of all my joys 172 My God, what endless pleasures dwell 169 My heart, how dreadful hard it is 182 My Saviour God, my sov'rcign Prince 190 My soul, come meditate the day 174 My soul forsakes her vain delight 163 My thoughts on awful subjects roll 161 My thoughts surmount these lower skies 194 N Naked, as from the earth we carne 132 - Nature with all her powers shall sing 161 Nature with open volume stands 199 No, l'll repine at death no more 183 No, I shall envy them n3 more 773 No more, my God, I boast no more 151 Nor eye has seen, nor ear has heard 160 Not all the blood of beasts 190 Not all the outward forms on earth 148 Not diff'rent food, or diff'rent dress 154 Not from the dust affliction grows' 146 Not the malicious or profane 150 Not to contemn the sons of men 149 Not to the terrors of the Lord 192 Not with our mortal eyes 151 Now be the God of Isra'1 bless'd 139 Now by the bowels of my God 155 Now for a tune of lofty praise 170 Now have our hearts embrac'd our God 200 Now in the galeries of his grace 145 Now in the heat of youthful blood 148 Now let a spacious world arise 191 Now let our pains be all forgot 200 Now let the Lord my Saviour smile 171 Now Satan comes withdreadful roar 193 Now shall my inward joys arise 137 Now to the Lord a noble song 170 Now to the Lord that makes us know 141 Now to the pow'r of God supreme 156 O O for an overcoming faith 134 Oh if my soul were form'd for woe 184 Oh the almighty Lewd _ 178 O the delights, the heav'nly joys 180. Often 1 seek my Lord by night 143 Once more, my soul, the rising day 162 Our days, alas! our mortal days 169 Our God, how firm his promise, stands 169 Our sins, alas! how strong they be 179 Our souls shall magnify the Lord 141 Our spirits join t' adore the Lamb 202 VOL. IX. P Page Piung'd in a gnlph of dark despair 178 Praise, everlasting praise be paid 174 R Raise thee, my soul, fly up and run Raise your triumphant songs Rise, rise, my soul, and leave the ground 169 183 164 Saints, at yourheav'nlyFather'sword 104 Salsation, O. the joyful sound lea See where the great incarnate God 138 Shall the vilerace of flesh and blood 146 Shall we go on to sin 150 Shall wisdom cry atond 148 Shout to the Lord, and let our joys 181 Sin has a thousand treach'rous arts 192 Sin, likes venomousdisease 193 Sing to the Lord that built the skies 163 Sing to the Lord, ye heav'nly hosts 574 Sitting around our Father's board 202 So did the Hebrew prophet raise 151 So let our lips and lives express 155 So new born babes desiretliebreast 157 Stand up my soul, shake off thy fears 177 Stoop down, my- thoughts, that use to rise 167 Strait is the way, the door is strait 194 T Terrible God, that reign'st ore high 165 That awful day will surely come 184 Thee we adore, Eternal Name 172 The glories of my Maker God 176 The God of mercy be ador'd 203 The King of Glory sends his Son .189 The lands that long in darkness lay 134 The law by Moses came 152 The law commands, and makes us know 187 The Lord declares his will 187 TheLord descending from above 188 The Lord 'Jehovah reigns 196 The Lord on highproclaims 147 The majesty of Solomon 185 The mem'ry of our dying Lord 200 The promise of my Fathers love 197 The promise was divinely free 189 The true Messiah now appears 163 The voice of my beloved sounds 143 The wond'ring world enquires to know 144 There is a house, not made with hands 151 There is a land of pure delight 175 There was an hour when Christ rejoic'd 133 These glorious minds, how bright they shine 138 This is the word of truth and love loo Thou, whom my soul admires above 142 Thus did the sons of Abram pass 188 Thus far the Lord has led me on 146 Thus saith the first, the great com- mand 152 Thus saith the high and lofty One 147 Ou