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PSALMS. XXXIII. XXXIV: r9 6 -Lord, let our hearts in thee rejoice, And bless us from thy throne; For we have made thy word our choice, And trust thy grace alone. PSALMXXXIII. As the 113th Psalm. Pm I. Works of creation and providence. 1 YE holy souls in God rejoice, Your Maker's praise becomes your voice Great isyourtheme,yonr songs be new ; Sing of his name, his word, his ways, His works of nature and of grace, How wise and holy, just and true ! 2 Justice and truth he ever loves, Andtlrewhole earth hisgoodnessproves ; His word the heav'nly arches spread: How wide they shine from north to south ! And by the spirit of his mouth Were all the starry armies made. 3 He gathers the wide flowing seas, (Those wat'ry treasures know their place) In the vast storehouse of the deep ; tie spoke and gave all nature birth, Andflresandseas,and heav'e and earth, Ills everlasting orders keep. 4 Let mortals tremble and adore A God of such resistless pow'r, Nor dare indulge their feeble rage Vain are our thoughts and soak your hands, But his eternal counsel stands, And rules the world from age to age. PSALM XXXIII. As the 71ath Psalm. PART Il. Creatures vain, and God all_oußicieat. 1 0 harpy nation, where the Lod Reveals the treasure of his word, And builds his church, his earthly throne His eye the heathen world surveys, He form'd their hearts, he knows their ways ; But God their Maker is unknown. 2 Let kings rely upon their host, Andof ms strength the championboast ; Hr vain they boast, in vain rely : In vain we trust the brutal force, Or speed or courage of a horse, To guard his rider or to fly. 3 The eye of thy compassion, Lard, Oath more secure defence afford, When death or dangers threat'ning stand: Thy watchful eyepreserves the just, Who make thyname theirfearandtr nst, When wars or famine waste the land, 4 In sickness or the bloody field, Thou our physician, thou our shield, Send us salvation from thy throne ; We wait ti see thy soodness shine ; Let us rejoice in herep divine, For all our hope is Godalone. PSALM XXXIV. Puer I. It M.] God's care of the saints: or, deliverance by prayer. 1 LORD, I will bless thee all my days, Thy praise shall dwell upon mytongncl My soul shall glory in thy grace, While saints rejoice to hear the son,_. 2 Come, magnify the Lord with me Come, let us all exalt his name t sought th' eternal God, scribe Has not expos'd my hope to shame. 3 1 told him all my secret grief, My secret groaning reach'd his ears ; He gave my inward pains relief, And calm'd the tumult of my fear,. 4 To him the poor lift up their eyes, Their faces feel the heav'nly shine; A beamof merry from the skies, Fills them with light and joy divine. 3 His holy angels pitch their tents Around the men that servethe Lord: O fear and tuve him all his saints, Taste of his grace, and trust his word. 6 The wild young lions pinch'd with pain And hunger roar thro' all the wood : But none shall seek the Lord in vain, Nor want supplies of real good. PSALM XXXIV. ver. 11 -22. Puer II. [L. M.] Religious education : or, instructions of piety. 1 CHILDREN in yeats, and knowledge young, Yourparents' hope, your parents' joy, Attend the counsels of my tongue; Letpiousthonghts yourminds employ. 2 If you desire a length of days, i And peace to crown your mottai state, Restrain your feet from impious ways, Your lips from slander and deceit. The eyes of God regard his saints, !Hs i cars are open to their cries ; Ile. sets his frowning face against The sons of violence and lies. 4 To humble souls and broken hearts, God with his grace is ever nigh; Pardon,and trope his love imparts, When men in deep contrition lie. He tells their tears, he countA their groans, His Son redeemstheir souls fromdeath! His Spirit heals their broken bones, They inhispraise employ their breath. PSALM XXXIV. ter. PART I. [C. M.] Prayer and praise for eminent deli- verance. 1 I'LL bless the Lord from day to day ; How good are all his ways! Ye humble souls that use to pray, Come, help my lips to praise. 2 Sing, to the honour'of his name flow a poor suff'rer cry'd ;