88 PSALMS. LXXXIX. XC. PSALM LXXXIX. ver. 47, &c. PART' VI. [L. M.] Martality and hope. A Funeral Psalm. a REMEMBER, Lord, our mortal state, How frail our life, how short the date ! Where is the man that draws his breath Safe from disease, Secure from death? 2 Lord, while we see whole nations die, Our flesh and, sense repine and cry, " Must death for ever rage and reign i Or hast thou made mankind in yam? Where is thy promise to the just; Are not thy servants turn'd to dust ?" But faith forbids these mournful sighs, And sees the sleepingdust arise. 4 That glorious hour, that dreadful day Wipes the reproach of saints away, And clears the honours of the word: Awake our souls and bless the Lord, PSALM LXXXIX. 47, &é. PART VII. As the 113th Psalm. Life, death, and the resurrection. 1 THINK, mighty God, on feeble man, How fewhis hours,: how short his span ! Short from the cradle to the grave Who can secure his vital breath, Against the hold demands of death, With skill to fly, or,pow'r to save? 2 Lord, shall it be for ever said " The race of man was ever made For sickness, sorrow, andthe dust ?" Are not thy servants day by day Sent to their graves,and turn'd to clay ? Lord,where s thy kindness to the just? 3 Hast than not promis'd to thy Son, And all his seed, aheav'nly crown? But flesh and sense indulge despair For ever blessed be the Lord, That faith can read his holy word, And find a resurrection there. 4 For ever blessed be the. Lord, Who gives his saints a long reward For all their toil, reproach and pain; Yet all below and all above, Join to proclaim thy wondrous love, And each repeat their loud Amen. PSALM XC. [L. M.] Man mortal and God eternal. A mournful Song at a Funeral. 1 THRO''ev'ry age, eternal God! Thou art our rest, our safe abode; High was thy throne ere, heav'n was made, Or earth, thy humble footstool laid. 2 Long hadst thou reign'd ere timebegan, Or dust was fashion'd to a man; And long thy kingdom shall endure, When earth and time shall be no snore. 3 Bnt man, weak man, is born to die, Made up of guilt and vanity s Thy dreadful sentence, Lord was just; " Return, ye sinners, to your dust." 4 [A thousand of our years amount Scarce to a day in thine account; Like yesterday's departed light, Or the last watch of ending night. PAUSE., 5 Death, like an overflowing stream, Sweeps us away, our life's a dream; An empty tale ; a morning flow'r, Cut down and wither'd in an hour. f Our age to seventy years is set : How short the term !how frail the state ! And if to eighty we arrive, We rather sigh and groan than live. 7 But, oh, how oft thy wrath appears, And cuts off our expected years ! Thy wrath awakes our humble dread; We fear thepow'r that strikes us dead.] 8 Teach us, O Lord, how frail is man ; And kindly lengthen out our span, Till a wise care of piety Fit us to die and dwell with thee. PSALM XC. 1 -5. Paar I. [C. M.] Man frail and God eternal. 1 OUR God, our help, in ages past, Our hope for years to come ; Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. 2 Under the shadow of thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is thine armalone, And our defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth receivedher frame, From everlasting thou art.God, To endless years the same. 4 Thy word commands our flesh to dust, " Return ye sons of men :" All nations rose from earth at first, And turn to earth again. 5 A thousand ages' in thy sight Are like an ev'ning gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising sun. 6 [The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their lives and cares, Are carry'd downwards by thy flood? And lost ira following years. 7 Time like an ever - rolling stream, Bears all its sons away ; They fly, forgotten as a dream Dies at the op'ning day. 8 Like flow'ry fields the nations stand, Pleas d with the morning light: The flow'rs beneath the Mow'rs hand Lie withering ere 'tis night.]