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76 Nojossrnying for Ifrael till Luk.6.39 Mat. 13. H. Heb.ch.7. & 8. C6. 7. 19 Ch. 8. 1. &t. 2;Chron: 6. 18. Hcb.7 .28. in is thegreat nita..e ofmolt men whò(though never fo high. ly efteemed by themfelves and others,yet)hcrein are no other but blind leaders of the blind) and both fall into the ditch. But thofe who are acquainted with thefe things in their own experience, know and feel this myfticall interpretation to be the truth, andall other in the Letter to be but refemblances and fbadows under which the truth is hidand covered from all fave onely fuch to whom it is given to kiow the my- heryofthe Kingdome, but to others in parables, that feeing they mayfee and not perceive,and hearing they may bear andnot underhand ; As in that feventh and eighthChapter to the Hebrews, where the Apoftie fpeaking of the Law, and of many particulars appertaining to that Pricfhood, he fhews that theLawmade nothingperfea,but the bringing in of a better hope did, by which we draw nigh unto God and fo there by feveral argumentshe proves that jefus Chrift alone, was the true Prieft,, and the true ORDINANCE. Now in the fiat verle of the eighth chapter , he applyes all that he had befórefpoken; to Jefus Chrifl alone, that per- feel high Pritft : Now of the things which we have fpoken, this is the fumme; And fo he goes on and applyes it to Jefus Chrifi, that true high Prieft, who isfet on the right hand of the throne ofthe Majefy on high, a Miniher of the SanF nary, andof the true Tabernacle which theLord pitchedand not man; which thingsfèrve but unto the example andfhadow ofHeavenly things, be having obtained afar more excellent tninihry, by how muchhe is made the mediatour ofa better covenant , and eha- blifl:edupon betterpromifes : he is not a high Prieh of a7ernple, or contained in any Temple made with hands : but he is fuch a one whom the Heaven ofHeavens cannot contain; And he of- fers not facrifices, but himfelf, his own body ; And He and all his members arc the true Tabernacle wherein, the Lord is' fervedand wellpleafed ; for theLawmade l-lighPriefis which bave infirmitie, faith the Apoftle, but the word of the Oath which was fince theLaw, naketh the Son, who only is con- fecrated for evermore. But what fhall we fay then of all thofe things wherein Mofes was commanded to be fo exaEt , and to male all things accordi7l?