The Epiflle Dedicatory. for reward, andperifhed in the gainfayingof Core. Thefe arefpots inyourfeaßs ofchari llcl. IL12a 13. ty,when theyfeafl withyou;feeclingthemfelvs withoutfear: Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds : Trees, whofe fruit withereth -, withoutfruit, twicedead,plucked up by the roots : Raging waves of the Sea, foaming out their ownJhame,wandringStars, to whom is refereed the blacknef? of Dar%_ neßfor ever. And nowBrethrciì ,1commendyou to Cod ¿.20.32 and to the wardofhis grace, which is able to buildyou up, and togiveyou an inheritance among all them that arefan5ified.Mind and giveheed to that meek,ßzl, quiet, andflent fpirit of the Lord Jefus that is inyou,which6 is Pure, Holy, Innocent, Undefiled, and Righteous, teaching , and leading into all truth, righteoufneß, and purity like it felfé,. unto which if yougive heed as unto a light fhining in a darkplace,it will preferve and prefent you f#otleßandwithout blame before hint whofe eys behold no iniquity;which that the Lordmayfulfil in hisAte time inyou, is the Continual prayer ofhim who is Tours in the bonds of Love in theLord Jefus Jo. W EBSTE .