Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

theCloud is takenofthe Tabernacle. ofthe mifery ofall men In offering frangefire upon the Lords Altar, in feeking for another Star, but not the Star of Ja- cob, but following theTabernacle ofMclech , and the Star of their God Reipham,and thinking to goe on in the light herof;and [hewing themifery of thofe men who are kndling fires of their orn,& compaffang themfelves with their own(parks, and thinking to goe on andwalk in the light thereaf,yet this they_hall have of the bandof the Lord , to lie down in woe and everlafling farrow. The next thingwe fhall obferve, is concerning the Cloud that is over or upon the Tabernacle : wherein in the Aft place, this is apparent, that the Tabernacle, that contains all the Myfteries oflife and mercy,all the gloryof lifeand eter- nal Salvation : But this Tabernacle hath a cloud upon it, that it cannot be feen till the Cloud be taken away and removed, which all the power ofman can never remove. And fecondIy , that the remover and taler away of this cloud, is God, andnot man ; that God, I fay, is he alone that draws and tales up the cloud from the Tabernacle; and again lets it defcend upon the :Tabernacle when it pleafeth him : Tis the Lord that draws away the vaile, and pian with all his wifdoru,learning, induftry,&c.cannot pull it off of himfelf; tis the Lord alone that opens the eys of theblind, andnot theholieft man can doe any thing in this work ofhimfelf: Tis the Lord that circumcifeth the heart, tis the Lord who baptifeth the fpirits of men with the true baptifm; andall by onefpirit, into one body, whether theybe Jews or Gentiles; and I have (hewed that one man cannot aptize another, as they undertake to doe in an Ape-like imitationofthe thing;for it is theLords work on- ly,he alone can remove the cloud from off theTabernacle, and gives the true Baptifm : otherwife it abides and muff remain thereupon,and the foule is not wafhed,nor baptized. Thirdly, take notice, that no man naturally walks by a true guide: and he that(when the cloud is upon the Taber- nacle) offers ro journey or move towards the heavenly Ca- naan,I fay,when he offers or attempts any thing in the way of God andChriff, he aas but blindly and prefumptuoufly, and 99 Levit. ro. I, &c. Amos', 26. Afts 7.43 Efay 5o. lI, I Cor. j a. 13.