Nojo_Krnyingfor Ifrael till another ; the DEE P NE SSEof that glory and F VLL,.. NESSEthat is in God, calls upon that DEEPNESSE andEMPTINESS E, andnothingnefs that is in and up- on thepoor Creature; and this is that Cloud that is Rill co- vering and removing from over the Tabernacle, that the Gloryof theLord may be made out in and by that cloud, that we may know and behold thatglory that was hid from us, and that we may know howpretious it is, by thecloud that with-holds and covers it from us. And again, that we mayknow light is not in mans hand : as Peter faid, Mafter,let us be heré, and build three 7aberna- Luk 9.33 Iles, &c. So I fay, it is that manmay nót build a Tabernacle ofhis oran, leaft he Ihould fay,he was Matter ofit, and would think to give and carry the light where he pleafed ; but witha Chrittian it is otherwife ordered, that hemight wal Efa. in darknefs, andflay himfelfupon his God, fo that the condi- tionof a true Chrittian, is not like the men of the world with their light ; for they are the Orderers and Matters of it. But it may indeed bePaid ofyour ordinary formal Chri- ttians, that they have a light nevergoes out, in regard of their forms of Church-Governrxent,fo that their candle is always burning, and they are Matters oftheir own light ; and ifit be out,they can light it again and recover it by their own pains and induttry ; but it is not fowith thofe that truly fear God. For when the light appears, then they walkand journy ; but when their light appears not, then they mull Band fill; for theydare not go nor f it till the glory of the Lord appears, and leads them, and that the Lord Himfelfe goes before them. Further, if this Cloudbe removed onely by the hand of theLord, then I fay, Firtt it thews plainly thevanity,pride, folly and ufelefsnefs ofmens labouring to remove it, in their taking upon them that which belongs to :God : and Firtt, I fay, it difcovers that horrible Pride, Robbery, Blafpherny, Arrogancy andInfidelity that is in theheart of man, to think he will do that which none cando but the hand of God : And 'tis Infidelity to think God will not do that he bath promifed to do to the ends of theearth ; and robbery' in that it