i i 6 Nojournyingfor Ifradl till Peeing this, it cryes to, andwakes uponnonebut God, and pfa1.97.7. then indeed is theheartfixed upon him (where it fhould be) from whomcomesfalvation and deliverance : And whoever waitedupon him that is faithful and ítrong, and only can deliver, and was not in clue time delivered ? And fromhence it appears, when the foul walks in the Might, he knows full well, it will be in vain for him to think to remove the cloud till the Lord remove it. It may be the stime hath been when thouhaft felt the heat of the Divine difpleafure, and thy ear was then boared, and thy uncir- cunicifedheartcircumcifed, and then light appeared, and thou bleffedeft the Lord in that day : But now there begins to comedark)!die over thy eyes again, and thou beginneft to fee thy felfe loft again, and the Cloud is upon the Taberna- ler.z.ó- cle,and thou art gotten into thepathlefs way : and alas thou fayft to thy felf and concludeft, though I amout ofmyway, I will up andbe doing, I will come to it again, and I will re- cover it: and fo the poor man begins towreftle and ftruggle it out, now at this thing, and then at that thing : fo that the poor Saint having loft the light he once had, he runs throughmire and dirt, thinking to come to the light by his prayers,and holineffe,and fo recover himfelf. Then the poor foul thinks he is running to Canaan, when indeedhe is going backto Egypt. And therefore it isclear tonie bothby the Scriptures andby the experience of the precioufeft Saints I ever met with,that in thiscondition its belt tofitßil: Forhe Efa.28.t6 that believeth maketh not haße,but waits till theLord will re- move the cloud ; but ifthou wilt turn from the Lord, and go by another guide and captain, and not by that Mofes God bathfent, and art going tomake a Golden Calfe, and an Idol to gobefore thee if fo, thou mayeft expe& that thy carkaf fhallfall in the Wildernefs for thy unbelief, and not waiting thegood pleafureof the Lord: for not one en- tred the promifed Landbut Caleb and 3oJhúab : know this is thecondition and difpofition ofa Saint, that he only re joyceth in the Lord; all his expe&ations are from him who hath made light and darkneffe : I have learned, . faith the hil.4. II.I Apoftle, inwhateverflate .1 am , . therewith to be content : So that ¡Num. L4. 29