Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

I64 The Secret Southfi yer, or Eph. s.3. Zach. 3.7. Jude 13. But whenChrifi will difcover him in thee, then thou (halt fee thyfelfe tobe all there things that we have fpoken, and that all thofe lying Divinations are in thee; then all thy de- ceits and Yes (hall lie under thefentence of condemnation; then andnever before, canoe thou difcover or bear witnefl'e againft Antichrefi, and the Prince of Darkneffe ; then thou (halt come to knowwhether thou art indeed a member of Jefus Chrift, viz. by finding thefe difcoveries to be made in thee ; for then thou canf witnef e that fle(h and blood never revealed thefe things to thee. Then thou (halt fee experi- mentally, what it is to be in captivity, what it is to be in Egypt, in Babylon, and that thou waft in fuch cruel bon- dage once, and bound with fuchfirong fetters, as no hand could deliver thee, but onely the hand 'of th'e weer mercy of God: and that it is that onelywhich maketh thee to direr, and not any power, wifdom,or watchfulnefl^eofthine own: nothingbut that Almighty hand hath delivered thee from the Witch,and the Deluder, and the;Soreerer, and deftroyed the Defiroyer, and all this out ofweer mercy and 'good will to thee. And then alfothis will follow, ifthou haft found there things done, and aEaed in thy fell, thou canoe not chufe but petty andpray for all thofe who are yet under the fameIn- chantments. When thou beholdeft them,' thou eanít not chufe but fay, alaspoorfoules. I know full well that there is none but only the hand ofJefus Chrift that can help and deliver them; I was in the fame condition ; whatwas I more then they thatfo much mercy hath been (hewed to me ? and in feeing their mifery, thou'anft not but remember thine own, and fo thou feeft thyfeif in Peeing them : This the Apostles did when they beheld others :they confefíed that they were by na- ture Children ofwrath as well as others : 'Tis onely the mer- cy of God that pulls thee as a brand out of thefire, while o- thers are burning there fä11; And tis oncly his infinite and undeferved goodneffe that hath delivered thee from all thofe great Deluders and Inchanters,from the Devil, and from 4n- tiehrifi ; for thou haft truly feen and found that the fame