Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The HiddenSorcerer, difcovered® principle of Hell and Darkneffe is in thee that is in any o- ther ; and that there be-none that do good, none tbat feels prat. 14.2. after God, though they pretend never fo much tohim "; All this confdered , and feting it true in thy own heart who art nowfet at liberty, and knowing all thefe L EG I- Mark 5.9,- ®N S ofDevils cal out of thee, thouwilt be fo far from infulting and upbraiding any in this condition, that thou wilt pitty them in thy veryfoul, from a fellowfeeling of the fame misery. Againfarther, this will beanother effeEi : If, Satan and Antichrift be difcovered and raft out in thee, it will bring, thee not towonder to fee fuch infinite multitudes of men carriedaway with the fpirit of Inchantvient, and Delufion, for tis a wonder any one is brought from under theft delufi- ons. There are but two Spirits in the world, either we arecarried away with the fpirit of Inchanting, or elfe with the fpirit ofChrift. All the Saints can bear witnefe to this, and none elfe, for they onely have experience of both = ` {fates ; They know thefnares of thhe_Hunter, and they arenot ignorant ofhis devices : and they have the voice, the leadings, PfaI. 124: the teachings of their only Mafter , and they knowwhat 7°Cor, . Do&rinefavours of his life, and what favours of the flefh; I. 2 they knowhis voice from thevoice ofaftranger, and a 'Iran- 1011.1°4. ger they will not follow : for this is the fpiritual man whoj-udg- 1 Cor. 2. et!: all things, and he binifelfis judged ofno man ; they hear his 15. judgement, for they know hisjudgment is true; and they Rom. 2.2. know the voice ofGod, from the voice ofall the Inchanters, Diviners,Southfayers,or from anygranger in the world ; he cannot be (as formerlyhe was),deluded with lies, fberns,and pretences. Beloved; this is that theworld cannot endure tohear of, that their Do&rine, or their wayes should be cenfured or judged ; But the Saints who are really freed, they have fuch experience ofall thefe things that they do know God from the Devil, and theirown dear Mager (who bath done- fo much for them) from all Deluders, Necromancers and South- foyers in the world ; and the fpiritual man he bears, and ownes, and foúows; and loves his Maffer ; and- knows him not