Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Hidden Sorcerer difcovered. 75 their Holineßand their Religion, and thefe things make them to befeared and honoured (as they think) and this makes them bold, and this ftrikes an awfulneffe on the fpirits of o- thers, and makes themTERRIBLE; alaspoor, ignorant deludedfoules ! thefe things may be called holinef and holÿ duties, and their many words and longbablings they may be calledprayer by themfelves and others who are as blind as themfelves, who cannotfee their pride and vain-glory and felf-confidence, and lifting up themfelves : and indeed men know themnot : for faith Chaift, Luke I I, 44. They are as Luk.ir:44 graves which appear not, andmen arenot aware of them : but asfor thofe who have the fpirit ofCod in them, and a fpi- rit of diferning in them , they fee plainly that all this is vanity. They fee that all their highef and firic}efl zeal and per- formances are a nicer found of words, without any real life, to be no other but as founding Braf,or a tincblin Cym- r Cor. i3. balwhich vanifhes and comes to nothing ; it being no more I but air and enaptimef e, having nothing of truth or realIity in it. The Pharifees longprayer was no prayer at all, but was rcje&ed,when the poor deje &edPublicans laying but a fewwords was efteemed a prayer and was accepted, and he went homejrsflifzed, and not the other. Luk. tR, Thefe Pharifees they are furnithed at all times, they can 13. preach andpray, and do any thing, they are fitted at all times, they can at any houre command themfelves, they can pray either in the Chamber, or in the Temple, or in theClofet, and keep their let rules and houres. And this is their Holineß: and all that do not follow their Modes and theirForms, are loofe and prophane ; and they can judge and cenfure a brother for a Mote in his eye, but perceive not a Beam in their own eye. Mat. 7: Thefe are the men our Lord fo much amid at, and had fo much to do to uncafe and convince; and him they fo much hated, becaufe he had fuch a flight opinion of them, &333. and of their holineffe, and becaufe hecenfured them forHy-- pocrits and blind Pharifees,nay theworft of all men,yea worfe then T'horngers, Thieves, andMurtherers : Nay he calls them