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76 7he Sdcret southfayer,.or i Cor. 29. 16. 1 John 5'. 18. Phil. 3. 3. themSerpents. But the other who worfhipGod in the fpi- rit, and'have their help,ffrength,and dependance on theLord, they fee really their own infufficiency, and they receiveall by waiting onGod ; they cannotfpeak_nor preach, norpray but whenhe doth all this in them ; they will not be unjuft to men, becaufe they havean inward principle that conforms. them to the mind of Chrifi ;having dnew nature they work all their w rks from that ; beinggood, they cannot but dogo9d but the other, they do good things thinking thereby to make themfelvesgood, and to procure favour and acceptance ; But the Jòns ofGod know that whatever is notaEed from thefpi- rit ofGodworking in fuch,is noother but from the Devil, & is no otherbut Witchcraft, Sorcery, Inchantment, &c. In brief, theone keep agreat deal offir, and are very bufie and exact about out(ides, and forms, and times, andplaces and the like, when as the other fee thevanity and folly of fuch things, and having a principle ofholi.neffe within, from thence doe they aft and work. This they know is the true circumcifion , who worfhip God in thefpirit, and rejoyce in yefus Chrift, andhave no confidence in theflefh ; anddoing any duty from this principleof thenew man, or the new creature in them, this they efteem to be an ORDINANCE, becaufe it is done with life andpower, and in thefpirit of Jefus Chrift ; and they cannot call any thing an Ordinance, but only this, whatever all the Wiz- zards, Southfaiers, Diviners, Inchanters in theworld fay to thecontrary. THE