177 6) V ( G Tí( 4w;e4,,,,g " THE ROOTING upofevery Plant not Planted by the Heavenly Father. Preached at Alhallows Lombardftreet: Matth. 15. 13, 14. But 7efus anfwered andPaid, Every Plant whichmy - Father bath not plantedfl:all, be rootedup. Let them alone : they be blind leadersofthe blind. Andifthe blind lead the blind, bothfhallfallinto theditch. 9X j , . Hefe words contain an anfwer ofour Lord unto `' his Difciples. For they having heard how the T 3j+II Scribes and Pharifes were much offended at rfapIonic things hehadpreached: they being very s3- ftriEt for the outride andformalpart of Religi- on, andbeing generally taken for great Profeííours, and our Saviour knowing their hearts,knew that though the out- fide was clean, aimable, andbeautiful, yet the infide wasfoul, fiirsking, and loathfome, for all their obfervances of wajhings andfailings, and the like. Hereupon our Saviour tounde- ceive the people concerning them, calls the multitude to- gether and tells themplainly : whiling them not tobe foold and deluded, but bear andunderfland : in the eleventh verfe, faith he; It is not that which goeth into the mouth defiletha Aa man