I 78 Therootingup ofevery Plant, not Ver. tí. Ver. t 2, d.29.í4 EPil, 4.21 man : but that Which cometh out of the mouth; that defileth a- man. The Pharifees hearingof this, they knew he fpake ofthem, and being very much offended that he fo much reproached them, and fo much laid themop d, and took a- way theirglory, eflinzation, and highefteem with the people :- hereupon, I fay, they became greatly, bitterly, and maliciouf- ly offended with him ; and the Difciples hearing, and obfer- ving ofit,_ they being fomewhat troubled in themfelves, as not feeing fo much into them as he did, theycome to him and tell him , Matter, knoweft thou that the Pharifees were of- fendedafter theyheard this faying ? Now our Saviour pre- fentlymakes them this anfwer, Everyplant which my Hea- venly Father bathnot plantedpallbe rooted up. As ifhe fhould fay, tis true, generally all men take the Scribes and Phari- fees, and it may beyouyourfelves have taken them tobe men ofgreat helineßandpurity,and to be very flria in their lives, . and indeed they feem to be men of great learning, and to be very confciencious and zealous Teachers of theTruth ; But I would not haveyou fo deceived ; true Religion ftands not in outfides, in obferving ofrites and ceremenies, in wafhing of cups andplatters, and obferving outward Ordinances ; But know, thefe men are no other but Hypocrits and Thflemblers: and well did Efalah Prophetic of them, faying, Thin people drawnigh unto me with their mouthes , and honour me with their lips, but their heart is removed far from me : Therefore though they be offendedat my fpeech, yet benot you offen- ded ; let them alone, they be blind leaders ofthe blind : And. ifthe blinde lead the blind, loth 'hallfall into the ditch. And for all their great learning, and great [hews ofzeale, l and knowledge in the Letter, yet Chrift faw their infide, how there wasnothing but impurity,blacknefs and ignorance; And indeed men may have and attaine to much flrilneije therein, and yet have nofaviug knowledgeofGod in the fpi- rit, nor of the truth as it is in Tefus : Now, faith Chrift, Let them alone; I know they have a .high opinion of themfelves,and they would by nomeans lofe theirglory in the efteem of o- thers but be you not troubled, Let them alone : they are blind, though they will not fee it, and both the leaders and th e