i áo The roóting upofevery Plant, not Verf. 19. in obferving wafbings andconthnt in outwardforms ofwor- {hip and times ofpyyer and the like,but never minded what was in their hearts ; as Evil thoughts, Murders, Adulteries, . Fornications, Thefts, Lyes, Malice, Falfewitneffe, Elafphe- mies ; verfe 19. Thefe things they neglectedand palled by as fmal matters ; they could hate the truth, and bey the truth, . andperfecute the true Profefurs thereof, even to the death ; But they could not endure any fhould fpeak a word againft their formal andoutward worfhips they could negle& relei- verf. S, ving their Father andM2ther,and: Chewing love to others, and with them this was nothing, fo they did but bring a fmalt gift to the Temple, and call it CORBAN, this Ihould ex- cafe them and cut offall other. Charity, or whatever others might be profitted by them. Now Chrift throughly di fcovering'theiir Hypocrifie , in their (hewing great care of the outfide, and of that which was obvious and apparent to thefight ofmen,but theyhad litle ornone of their heart and infide, upon which the Allfeeing eye ofGodwasfixed : thereforehe applyes to them the words of the Prophet Efay and tells them, that they were the men He fpake of,. when he faid, Thefe people draw nigh to me with Etas their mouthes, and b§pour me with their lips, but their hearts are farfromme : For thefeare not the things God looks at, or regards ; and thereforeall their worfhPps andall their wafhings,,andall theirprayin s, and all their conformity to thefe things, wereall in vain;and thiswas noReligionat all, nor was no more accepted then the offering up of (wines blood, Efa. 66.3, or the cutting ofa dogs neck and he that Jàcriftced, as if he were a murtherer : and he that offered incenfe,as ifhe ble f d an Idol. They werewith him no better then Murtherers and Idolaters for all theirfineforms : although they werenever fo.curious andexat about them; neatified,carved, or contrived with never fo much wifdome : yet if they were done meer- '1y by the art, wifdom, power, indujfry of man, andnot by the wifdom, and handofJefus Chrifl, in them, all was nothing ; s and .they were in all theirprayers .and duties, no other but asfounding. Eraß,and as tinklingCymbal ; That which defiles man,is not-any thing.without him, but that evil and Pine which