Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Plantedby the HeavenlyFather. 181 90.111.11111.0111M which is within, that PR I NC I P LE of darkneffe, from whence all evil a&ions come; this is that our Saviour la- bours toclear and make out; Now this was filch fpirituall do&rin, and fuchfoulfearching teaching,and that which the Pharifees in no age could ever abide : No fooner come within them, and turn them infides outward, but prefently they are offended ; and then,,theywill thewwhat is within : the poor blind world thought they were made up of purity and con- formity ; but when Chrifi comes to preach, he difcovers, that in their hearts is nothing but malice, murther, thefts, blvfphe- Mat. i5h mien, hatredof the truth, cruelty to the people of God : and 18, 19. then all this (hall comeforth, and be no longer hid by their fine words, andSmooth (hews and pretences, but outit (hall come and be difcovered. This is that Serpentive wifdom that lies hid, and lies lur- king in thehearts ofall the Eons ofmen, which can never be difovered by all the examinations, and preachings of men, but onely by the fon of God, and by his teachings in the foul : and indeed,HEE is that Slone that is difalowed in- deed ofmen, refufed and reje&ed by the Halter Builders, but Pral. 118. chofenofGod andprecio:cs : Now this Heavenly DoFrine the Mat 21 42 Difciples themfelvescould not well bear ; for they had as Pet,2.4. well as others a goodopinion ofthefe Eminent men,and they i Cor. 4.5 thought this Do&rine was fomewbat too hard to call them Hypocrits, Difemblers,rotten Sepulcbres,though glorioufly pain- ted They thought their Mailer might have been a little moremoderate, and they feared fomethingofbadconfequence might follow : for thefe were themenof thegreatefl efteem, and moll in favour with the Magiftrate and they for their parts could expe&noother but reproach, hatred, and perfe- cution : there thingsmuch troubled them, they not being fitted to Puffer : But now Jefus Chrift their Mailer, he was delivered from all thefe flaviJh fears : he flood not in fear of man,nor what hecoulddo, but would in defpite.of all their power and malice, hold forth the truth and the light, that it might diffover the hidden things of dar&neß and the bot- tomlefíedepth offin and darkneffe, thatwas rooted in mans evil heart, and in them chiefly reigning, who were ignorant of