Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

10..... Cor.15. 47 The rooting upofemery Plant, not of thefe things, and yet had high and great opinions of their own holineßand excellencies. Hereupon our Lord , to flay and quiet the troubled thoughtsofhis Disciples, he makes them this anfwer we havenow read to you, Every plant which my Heavenly Fa ther bath not plantedmuff be rooted up. One would think this not to be a refolution, or a perti- nent anfwer to clear his former Doctrine : but bee goes on ; Nat that rvbicb goeth into the mouth defileth a man , 1 ut that which cometb out of the mouth, this defileth a n:an.What fitnfffe or congruity is there between thefe words andhis do- &rine formerly urged tobe as a proof to juftifie and main- tain it? Truly untoflefl ly wifdome, it feems to be a very impertinent and no wife anfwer : But ifwe take it according to the fpirit, and thedivine fenfe, it is very pertinent, fit and congruous: For, tis as if he fhould fay, Be not careful, take no thought about thenwhatever they fay, act, ordo : they indeed are very firm/ and careful to follow and obey all out- ward rites, ceremonies, and worfhips, and they glory in thefe things andall others applaud ; and honour them for thehigh- eft and zealoufeft worfhippers : but for all this, they are no other but Di lemblers and Hypocrits, being onely gildedä over with a form ofPiety and Religion : but within they are no thing but rotten andftin4 ng Sepulchres, which are full of fienchand deadmens bones: Now, be ye not fended though they are mad and rage againft me and my do£ trine, and though they incenfe the whole multitude againft me ; yet I am not troubled, neither would I haveyou: for this plant which they wouldmake theworld beleeve is from heaven,, it is not fo, but it is onlyofand fromman, is from theearth, from beneath, and this Religion in its true favour favours ofthe earth, earthy : For, faith he, Everyplant which my hea- venly Fatber hathnot planted'hallbe rooted up. But that which is from heaven, and is planted by the hand of my Father, that (hall grow, and root, andflourifh : and though to man it feempoor, and weakand defpicable, and men will not own it, yet itjballflourifh, and neither men nor the Gates ofHell, nor all the powers of Darkneß' nor all the fubtilewife- dom