Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Plantedby the.HeienlyFather. dome of the fflefh (hall ever be able to prevoile againff it. Therefore I fay, thefe words are a pertinent anfwer to e- ffablifh the troubledmindes ofhis Difciples, in bidding them forbear and let them alone,and not tobe troubled to fee them profper and flourifh in the world, nor to fee them rage andftorsn : for myFather is A4lju icient, and he is able to manage his ownbufinefs, and to maintain his own caufe : and I know alto that they are blind, and they lead the blind,and you (hall fee both will fall into the ditch : And therefore doé you mindwhat 1 fay, andnot what they fay, for they are Blind : and you by all your talkne!, and reafoning with them, cannot make them fee ; you will but troubleyour own peace, andmake themmore mad:for they are blind and there is aditch before them, prepared for Blindneß and blindmen, wherein they arePure to fall. So that thefe three things I wouldhave you to takefpeci- al notice of, from thefe words. Firff, that tistheHeavenlyfathers own hand that plants e- very plant that muft grow andprofiler. Secondly, that every plant which it planted by any other hand or power, fiall not profiler but be rooted up. Thirdly, that thofe whichfee not thefe things fo, and can- not leave them toGod,theybring upon themfelvs much trouble and unquiet neffe Worldly trouble and fretting brings nothing about, but caufeth death. For the wrath ofmanaccomplifh- e th not the righteoufnefs ofGod. Though thefe great blufte- ring Do&ors undertake toTeach, and othersgladly and at- tentively hear them, and they magnifie one another, yet be not troubled, they (hall both fall together. Every plant which the father plants not(hallbe rooted up Now ifwe fhould hold onely to the Letter and the Gram- matical fenfe, which the men of the Letter cry out fo much for, what an abfurdity were here ? to call fpiritual things, by the name of A PLANT, and they muff be rooted as aPlant, before they can flourifh andgrow; but theScrip- ture is very frequent in this manner offpeaking byAllegories, Metaphors, andSimilitudes to pet forth to our apprehenfion the nature 131.747 22. 2 Cora to Lou. 20.