Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Planted by the Heavenly Father. 181 ever is wilde and not planted by bimfelf: Out of him all thefruit they bringwithers and dyes : nay, they are fruit- Idle, without they begrafed intohim, and that they have hisfpirit and his divine nature, that they are members o fhis body, fleshofhisjfefh, bone ofhis bone : So that by this place you may fee that the Heavenly Father is the true Husband- man : and theonely true plant is Jefus Chrift : and every one which beareth true fruit, they are branches proceeding and growing in and from this root. Again , look on that place Rom. 6.5. If we have been planted together in the likenft ofhis death, we shall be alto in the likenefsofhis refurrellion. So that !till the Scripture car- ries it along in theperfon ofChrift,and not to own any thing or any fruit brought forthby any of the fons of men, but as they are rooted and bring forth fruit in him. He is the choife and tender V I NE, which brings forth fruit, accep- table to theHeavenly Father : He is the tree of life in the City ofGod, fpoken ofinRevel. 21.2. planted by the Ri- ver : bearing twelve manner offruits, andyielding her fruit e- very moneth, and the leaves of this tree are for the healingof theNations : And HEE is the tree fpoken of Pfal. i. 3. He (hallbeplantedby the Rivers of Waters, that bringeth forth fruit in his dueféafon, whofe leafshall not wither, andwhatfoe- ver he dothjballprofiler. Every beleever is a member ofJefus Chrifl Aplantplantedby theLord in him : and none can pof ably caufe any branch in him to wither : all elfe out of him cannot but wither anddye. Soalto takenotice of that place Pfal. 92.13, 14. The righteous(hall flourish like the Palm Tree, and 'hallgrow like kCedar in Lebanon ; Thofe that be planted in the houfe ofthe Lordfhall flourish in the Courts of our God. Theyshall bring forthfruit in their old age ; they shall be fat andflourilhing. Jefus Chrift is alfo thatfpirituall houfe which the Heavenly Father hath builded, not made with hands, but eternalin the Heavens : and every Saint is a Spiri- tual Stone, in thisfpiritual houfe ; and thefe are all beauti- fulfiones, being placed in this houfe : Thefe are fruitful Trees beingplanted there, and (hall bring forth fruit and íhal1 flourish when they areold, and bring forth fruit to e- ternity. B b One Eph.5,3o. Rom. 6.5. Rev.12.2. Pf.r,3. Pf. 92.13. iç.