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186 ! The rooting up ofevery Plant, noi JeC. 17.7, PL. 19.1o. Jr. é 3t.33 I 1103.8.10. 7:fe. t. Era.' t,i o R"onI. I I. r2. One place moreMall fuff ce : that in Jer. 17.7, 8. Blefled is the man that trufleth in the Lord, and irhofe hope the Lord it : For he(hall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that fpread- etb out her roots by-the River, and(hall notfee when beat com- nueth, but her leaf be green, andpallnot be careful in the year of drought, neither (hall ceafefromyeilding fruit. Thefe places are f flicient, I need not farther enlarge; for they give teflimony and witnefl as far as the Letter can : But what is the Letter to that man who hathno7eJtimony nor Witnefje of the truth thereof in bus own heart ? he can neverfit hisfear to the truth thereof : and it can do him no good, except it be a word ofevidence, andhe hath a witneffe within, it being true in his heart : But the men ofthe Letter, ifthey hold forth any truth, then they heap up Scriptures (as they conceive) toprove it , and think they have donefuck an ail ; when as if there be not a convincement and a witneß thereof within, theLetter will never convince men : but when the fame thing is written in the heart, then man clofes with it and anfwers to it:and then theWord is, as David faith,fwee- ter then the Honey and the Honey-comb, and more to bedefined then Gold, yea, then muchfine Gold; elfe tis no other but a deadLetter: and then isfulfilled that promife of the New Covenant, Jer. 31. 33. Not according to the Covenant I made with their Fathers, hCovenant theybrake ; But, Iwill put my Law into their in andparts, andwrite it in their hearts,, and they fhall no more teach every one his neighbour and his bro- ther, faying, know the Lord for they fhall all know me from the leaft to thegreateft, &c. And thus I hope there are many here find this truth made good in themfelves, and will fit to their feal , that all other plants which the Father hath not planted muff be rooted up. And ifthis be fo, as molt certainly it is , then thisdif covers tous who is that ONE Tree that the Father onely hathplanted : And that is only the Root of Jefße , which Ifaiah (peaks of, And in that day there(hall be a root ofJefe, which(hallflandfor anEnfigne ofthepeople, and to it fhall the Gentiles feel; , and his rill!' (hall be glorious. Which the Apofile applyes particularly toJefus Chrift,Rom.15.12.Therefall be a root