Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

I.88 rcor.tt. 4. Ibid,v,5. P1a1,19.2. &96.8. Rev.22.2. Pf'a1.to6. 39.. The rooting upofevery Plant, not root? why thendoeft.thou .fo much lookupon thy (elfe and talkof thy felfe ? and why doeft thou boaft and glory as if it were thineown, and thouhadft not received it? In this thou difhonoureff thy head Chrift ; for he that can do any thing, either pray,or preach, , orprophefie, or do any thing in the Church of God with his head.covered, he difho- nourethChrift who is the head who ought tohave the foie glory ofall good , ofall grace, ofall power , wifedome, righteoufneffe : But let the woman be covered ; all weaknefi'e and fin be laid uponman : but let the husband have all the glory, all the praife : for the SpoufeofChrift hath no riches but in his riches, nor no righteoufneffebut inhis righteoufneffe; norno glory but in his glory.: And.`' therefore in all your fayings, aelings,fpealings, carriages, expofitions, exhortations, fee that ye never difhonour your Husband : give him the glory due to his name , and take fhame and confufion offace to your (elves ; do not fomuch as once think that man can do or as,. or believe, or repent, or work, ordo any thing of this nature, for ye belye him, and difhonour, and blafpheme your husband: what do you in all thisbut forfake theTree oflife, which ishealing to the Nations, and turne to the Tree of knowledge ofgood andevil which is fo firilily forbidden to all the fons ofmen as much as toAdam? fromwhence they continually-eateDeath and Damnation :. And they can dono otherwife, while they forfake their Father and Husband, and run a whoring after their own inventions. Beloved, what a do is there in the world everywhere, a bout mans doingand mans working, and he muftftrive and he muff improvegrace? he muff cherifh this plant , and do fomething that he may be accepted,and hemuff watch, and he muff water, and he muff Lop andPrune this Bough and the other Branch, and by hispower andwifedome andwatch- fulnefte hemuft;cut off-this fin and the other evil ; And this is thegreat Religion of the world inall Ages ; And alaffe, what does he all this while ? by doingof there things in his' own name and by his ownwifedomeand power , he does but undoe himfelfe : for what elfe can he doe but bring mifery andfin, and darkneffe upon himfelfe, andplunge himfelfe deter