planted by the IIeavenlyFather. 189 deeper in the pit ? For-, when man is bid to do any thing, repent, or believe, or watch, orpray, or to work out his fal- vation withfeare or trembling , and make his calling and e- leiionPure ; what doe you think it was ever meant that he fhould do there of himfelfe,or do themout ofChrift ? Nano, there was never any fuch thing intended by the holy Ghoft. But fay they,man hath received a power and a Talent from Jefus Chrift. And of this he mull take care and ufe it, and irploy it to his Mailers ufe. I anfwer tis falfe,there is no fuch thing,for a Chriftian enjoyes nothing out ofChrift nor done, apart from him , but all in him ; and his works if right, 'tisChrift doth them in him and not he ; yet how ordinary is it with men toput man to do, and why is not he fo and fo ? And men are fofen(leffe that they are not fenfible that man is dead in trefpafres and fins; though they acknowledge it in words, yet in truth they deny it, and declare that they knownot what they fay : For, can any other thing raife the dead, but onely the voice of thefon of God ? Though Jefus Chrift bath laid , That every plant that the heavenly Father bath not planted (hall be rooted up ; yet for all this ( fay they) man muffbe doing andplanting; and he cannot wait the Lords time; and this is the reafon why men have fo lit- tle experience of the true wort¿ of God , becaufe they are run- ning and acting, and working before it be given them to work or a& ; For they will not believe but they, can do fornething without Chrift , although he hath Paid exprefly to the con- trary. But know, (Iet men fay what they will)there are but two Roots in the wholeEarth, either God or Belial,,Chrift or Antichrift ; and therefore ye muff either make the Tree good andhisfruitgood,or elfe the Tree evil and hisfruit evil. Now, is mannothing but death, fin,. darknefre, and mifery, want, emptineße ? and yet will ye have him to live, and arife, and. wall{, and do the works of God ? what a moilfenfleffe ignorant thing is this ? doth not the blind (in this) lead theblind ? donot there men declare that they are utterlyblind in expe- rienceas to the things ofGod ? I tell you , and know it for an undeniable truth that when a Chriftian is fpoken fo to do ObjeU.