Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

190 The rooting up ofevery Plant, not do or aR,it is not tohim as being in the oldnun , but as in the new; And when any thing is requiredofany other, it is only to thewhim his weaknefe and inability and how infi- .nitely (fort he comes of that he (hould do. But therefore know, ifany one (hall call upon a dead man to hve , and a Pfal. i 74. blindman to fee , or expreffeany thing to this purpofe, this I. language is no other but aJlrange language which the houle f f acob muff be brought out from : pJalm. 114..r. and this Revel.T is the Language of the Beaff and ofthe falfe Prophet , and to 20. 9 fpeak in the workand root of darknefle , and in which thefe men are:whowould make more roots ofgood then one ; and make man to befomething, and to have a power and a wifdome tohimfelfapart fromChrift;& yet this is frequent Dorin e- ven of thofeycu cal yourOrthodox men,nothingmore common with them ; And forfooth, many of diele men would not be thought tofide withor own Arminius or Sccinus by no means ; but the truth is , though in word they may renounce them, yet in their practice they receive and embrace them, and they run hand in hand together , and Itsffifie that in all their pral?ices which themièlves deny in words : But if thefe men hadany true or real experience of themfelves or of the wa'esofGod (as they pretend) they wouldneverfpeakand teach, as they do, In not holding thehead, to the di(honour of Chrifi, who is the head ofall things ; As the Apoftle (peaks in Col 2.19. that 2 Col. 19. &c.Nct holding thehead, fromwhich all the body Col by joints and bands,havingnouriJhment miniflred andknit toge- ther, encreafetb with the encreafe ofGod: wherefore ifye be dead with Chrifi from the rudiments ofthe world, why as though li- ving in the world areye fubjeet to Ordinances ? as touch not, tafle not, handle not, andfuch like, which are all toperifh with the ufing, after the Commandements and doElrines ofmen ; which things have a thew ofholinefe in will-worjhip and humilityand neglebling of the body, not in any honour to the frtisfying of the e Beloved, know, ifwe be in him,then we fee we are but fprigs and branches in that Tree oflife jefusChrifl : ifwe look on our felves anyotherwife,we are deluded, nor it will ne- ver be well nor otherwifewith us, till wefee and knowexperi- mental! Rev.27.