Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

192 7he rootiatg upof everyiPlant,not Cant 2. their Beloved, and to thefeTongs their Hearts-can E GCB 0 14 and anfwer : Oh howpleafant is the voice of my Beloved ! they i Cor. 15. know that in Adam tbey all dye, but in Chrift the) are all made 22. alive, and inhim they can doall things : They tee Chrift to Phil..13. be the Mailer, theTeacher, theFather,the DOC 1, 0R and that he isfuch aTeacher as not onely teaches the ear, but the heart; That Henot onely commands, but he gives Wife- * Arts 5. doni and Underftanding,.and : *Repentance, and Love and 31. Hope, and joy, &c. he fees he hathnofap, no nourijbnrent, Phi1.3..3. but as he abides in the root;the truth is, they have no confidence at all in thefle_Jh, becaufe it is weak, and crooked, anddark, and nothing at all ofgood in it; But he fees Chrift alone is Jer. 2.13. his root, his life, hisfap, his bread, his fountain of living wa- ters : and ifmen knewChrift aright,therewould be nomen- tion of any good in man ; they would havenone to praife, none to boatt of, none to talk of, none to reprefent as good, and holy, or excellent but Chrift alone: And thus ye fhall 1 Sam. 2.2 finde it was with 'David frequently expreft ; and fo it is with all the Saints: Hee alone is their firong Rock., and their For- 2 Sam.22. trefs, and their Deliverer; He is their Song, and their praife, 2, 3. 32. and their Salvation; and nogod,nor rock like theirs. He is their King ofKings, and Lords ofLords ; He is with them a- 18.31: bone all Principalities and Powers ; He is their Head, King, the pî. 31,2,3, I blefsed andON LY POT E NTATE, and exaltedalone &c. I le thou the rockofmySalvation;do we read that ever theSaints 2 Tim. 6. had any other Hymns, or any other Songs ? IFarther let us Hence take notice,lf JefusChrifl isthe only Tree plantedby the Father, then there is no other Tree of the Fathers plantingbut only I-I E ; He is the trueTree and the whole tree : there is not one Heavenly or Spiritual branch, or afprig, but what is of Him : tis molt certain there is no other tree oflife, no other chojèn 0LIVE toRand up for Rom.1.1.t7 ever before the God of the whole E AKTH, of whole root and fatneffe all the Saints partake. But truly Beloved , he that will bear out thisTeftimony fully and freely , Oh ! let Rev. 11.3. him be fure he muff prophefe in Sackcloth : the Religious &c. World couldnever endure thefe Preachers, nor thefe great Eternal Witnefses ; they have been hated and perfecuted in all