Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Planted by theHeavenlyFather. 193 all ages,by this Beall., which afcendeth out ofthe Bottomlefspit ; For the worldcannot but hate the life of Chrift, even then when theyCrown him, and array him in a purple robe, and when they feeh1 molt to honour him,and cryHalle King ofthe pews, HOSANNA to the Son of David, then they are neereft to crucifie him. But know, as this Docirine difcoversChrift to be the onely tree, fo it alfodifcovers the Hand that hash planted it, and that handwill root it and eílablifh it : He bath laid thefoun- dation thereof in Sion, and his work is perfect : His work is like himfelf,perfec,infinite, everlafling, and fiandeth Pure (whatever men fay He alone (hall be eflablifhed on Mount Sion : He hath fworn hejhall be a priefi for ever after the Order ofMelchifedeck and he alone is the Lamb (lain from thebeginning : when a mans eyes are opened, then all the wholeScripture,and the whole Earth,and thewhole Creati- on give Teftimony to thisOne Tree ofthe Fathers planting, and there is nofalvation in any other : there was never any other inwhom the Father was well pleafed. The world talk ofobeyingLaws and keeping the Condition on mans part ; but there is no Law, nor no Condition but himfelfe ; and if he be the Law and theCondition in us, thenwe are in Vnion with him, and there is noother way of acceptance : Chrift is he alonethat remains and is eiablifbed. He Rands and grows up to Eternity, and all his members in him ; Heaven and earth(hallpafJe away but [the WORD] Thisgreat word ofthe Lord indureth for ever; And all the Elements (hall con- fume and melt with fervent heat, as the Apoltle fpeaks : the earth alfo and all the works that are therein (hall be burnt up ; And he (hall be the only plant, and the only tree : When the Mir Heavens, and theNewEarth than appear, then no- thing fh 1l hide this tree, nothing (hall A LTE R it, no- thing fhall'darken the glory thereof from the Sons of God. Then this will be the DA Y of the exaltation . of Jefus Chrilt,-and this is the day ofthe Revelation ofthe Sous ofGod. Chrift in himfelfe isyeflerday and to day, and the fame for ever : but when this day comes, he (hall be fo to all the Saints ; this is the day ofwhich theApoftle fpeaks, Rom. C c" 8. 18. Mat. 27. 29. Mark i 1. ro. Deu.32.4. Efa.28.16. 2 Tim. 2: 19. Pfal.uo.4. Rer.13.8. Atts.4.12. Mat.3t7: Mat.' 5.18 18. I Pet. j. 25. 2 Pet. 3. ro. Rom. 8.18 Heb.13.8. Rom.8.18. &c.