The rooting up ofevery Plant, not 8. 18. &c. When the gloryofGod fhall be revealed in us' and this is the day when the Creature altoJhall be delivered from the bondage ofcorruption into the glorious liberty of the fons of God; when man is delivered from the bondage of corruption, then is the Creature alto. They (hall not ferve thefanful and corrupt will ofman ( as now theydo ) but remaine in that free Rate, inwhich they were at firft created, and they (hall yeild theirJervice freely. If men be not grafted into this true Olive, they are noo- ther but Cafiawayes ; if they be upon any other root, they are miferable and undone ; ifthe happineffeof a Chrifian lay in himfelfe, in his own P)wer, Wifdome, Will, Endeavours, A- laffe where were he ? and what would become ofhim ? man is a Dead, Fraile,, Deceitful thing ; he changes like Grage, he Rands to day, to morrow he is cut down and withereth : but the work o fthe Almighty, that (hall Randfaft, and (hall abide for ever ; for in him is the root ofall power, wifdome , life, goodneffe : Oh that men would but hold to this, as they hold it forth in words and notions ! inwords they confeffe it, but in the power andpractice thereof, deny it. Againe, this is moll certaine, as Chrif is the onely root and the onely Tree, planted by the Father fo 'cis as certaine that every Believer is planted in him : and he hath no root, no life but in him, he is a myfical member of this Tree, as he is planted in him. And fofar,and upon noother account, he partakes ofth epower and vertue and the riches and privi- ledges in Chrift : even of thevery fame nature, fap and fruit that is in the whole Tree; by this alonehe comes to partake ofall ; when Chrift is in us, andwe in him become the hope ofglorÿ, then we partakeofhis nature, ofhis fellow/hip, of his Communion,of his life, glory, riches; Then there is allo that true Communion of Saints which men fo much talkof , and know fo little. Lifeyou know is onely in union, when we come to that, that the root beares us, andnot we the root; for fo 'Lis with matt profefrs in the world: they altogether bear the root , they think they muli work, and do, and aú, and prune, and water, and cberifh, and plant, andpullup, and maintaine their fpiritual life and communion , and hereby' they